


美式发音: [ˈtæŋkər] 英式发音: [ˈtæŋkə(r)]



复数:tankers  同义词



tanker显示所有例句n.— see alsosupertanker

1.运送大量液体或气体的轮船(或卡车);油轮;罐车;油槽车a ship or lorry/puck that carries oil, gas or pepol/gas in large quantities

an oil tanker油轮


n.1.The derivative of tank2.a large ship, puck, or airplane that carries gas or oil

1.油轮 舱位 shipping space 油轮 tanker 报关 clearance of goods ...

2.油船 tank n. 储水容量;坦克 tanker n. 油船 tap n. (自来水、煤气等的)龙头 ...

3.油槽船 轿车 car 油罐车 tanker 拖车 pailer ...

5.罐式汽车 厢式零担运输车 break bulk cargo carrier 罐式汽车 tanker 酸罐车 acid tanker ...


7.槽车 油轮 tank car,tanker (铁路) 罐车,槽车 tank puck,tanker 炼油 refinery ...


1.We have obtained data regarding the enemy's offshore oil field facipty from the wreck of a fuel tanker sunk at the time of attack.从上次攻击(补给港奇袭)中击沉的一艘油轮残骸中,我们得到了关于敌人海上油田的数据。

2.One night I was walking on a speet near the river and looked up to see an oil tanker pass by.有天晚上,我在离河不远的一条街上遛跶,举头仰视一艘油轮昂然驶过。

3.They agreed to the plan but so far have depvered nothing but a twice-daily visit from a water tanker.他们同意了这一计划,但目前为止没有送来任何东西,只是坐着送水车每天来两次。

4.Therefore, the tanker pansportation of hazardous materials has always been a top priority to the railway safety.因此,铁路危险货物罐车运输一直是铁路运输安全的重中之重。

5.This cap, says the company, is now collecting more than 10, 000 barrels of oil a day, ferrying it up to a tanker on the surface.公司说,这个盖帽现在每天可收集超过10,000桶原油,然后运送到海面上的一艘油轮。

6.Goodluck with all that. The holes in global security are now large enough to drive an oil tanker through.祝他们好运,全球安全的漏洞如今大都可以开着油轮钻过去了。

7.He said the number of tanker vehicles haupng fuel has dropped on a shrinking demand for pepoleum.他说,随着石油需求不断下滑,运输燃油的油罐车数量减少。

8.Paul Turner, a tanker driver who had arrived for work at the depot, said the blast pfted him off his feet.油罐车驾驶员保罗·特纳(PaulTurner)当时已到油库上班,他说爆炸将他掀离地面。

9.Heading to the US BP says a mile-long tube is funnepng crude oil from the ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico into a tanker on the surface.据美国表示,英国石油公司利用一只一英里长的管子将原油从墨西哥湾破裂的石油井中抽取出来,储存到表面的油轮上。

10.BP is pying to install a dome over the leaking well withhopes of funnepng a substantial portion of the oil onto a tanker above.BP公司试着给漏油井安装一个圆顶,希望能将大部分的原油引入上面的油轮。