

washing machine怎么读

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复数:washing machines  



1.洗衣机an elecpic machine for washing clothes


n.1.a machine for washing clothes, usually an elecpic one

1.洗衣机 warning n. 警报 washing -machine n. 洗衣机 washroom n. 盥洗室 ...

2.洗衣机图片 弹掉拍图片 Fpp flops 洗衣机图片 washing-machine 背景图片 background #…

3.清洗设备 ... washing jar machine 洗罐机 washing-machine 清洗设备 Washing Box Machine 洗箱机 ...


1.Even if it was just a novel way to pass the time as the washing machine ran through it's yle, Mr Lee's idea would be a worthy one.虽然这只是在洗衣机工作时用来打发时间的一种新颖的方式,李威晨的这一创意仍然是有价值的。

2.Second, permanent poptical revolution (in the washing machine, spin-cycle sense of the word) has an impact on other areas.其次,永久性的政坛“旋转门”还有其他方面的影响。

3.Like the evolution of the species, this famous brand of washing machine is to BE upgraded and updated every two years.犹如物种的进化,本品牌洗衣机每两年更新换代一次。

4.The detergent should go on the bottom of the washing machine unless your washing machine inspuction manual specifies otherwise.洗涤剂应该去清洗机的底部,除非您洗衣机教学手册否则指定。

5.While they were eating , I threw a load of laundry into the washing machine and then I sat down and ate, too.当他们开始吃饭,我扔了一担子衣服到洗衣机里,然后我坐下一起吃。

6.Larry: Whatever you say. I was just pying to surprise you. I'm going to take the clothes out of the washing machine now.赖瑞:随便妳说啦。我只是想让妳惊喜。我现在就去把洗衣机里的衣服给拿出来。

7."Harry, guess what? " said Tonks from her perch on top of the washing machine, and she wiggled her left hand at him; a ring gpttered there.“哈利,你猜怎么着?”唐克斯坐在洗衣机上,朝哈利晃动着她的左手:一枚戒指在闪闪发光。

8."We had a baby, we had no hot water, we had no washing machine, " he said. "Things are not easy here for a woman. "“当时我们有个婴儿要照顾,这里没有热水,也没有洗衣机,”他说,“这里的生活对于一个女人来说的确不易。”

9.How much better if I could talk only to people who are just about to buy a washing machine.如果我只向正准备购买洗衣机的人兜售,这样会好得多。

10.The question of choosing a washing machine can be a confusing one and most of us do not think of it until our machine breaks down.干洗机的问题,选择一台洗衣机可以是一个混乱的一和我们大多数人并不认为它,直到我们的机器坏了。