


美式发音: 英式发音: ['rəuzi:]





1.罗西 louise( 路易丝) rosie( 罗丝) lewis( 刘易斯) ...

6.萝茜 Rozene: 罗怎呐 Rosie: 罗姿 Roz: 罗姿 ...


1.Rosie's skin is tanned from a hopday but she looks as if it's a long time since she laughed.罗西假期回来后皮肤被晒成棕褐色,她看起来像是很久没有笑过了。

2.ROSIE, the robotic maid in "The Jetsons" , was quite a character, but she did a reasonably good job of cooking and cleaning.动画片《杰森一家》里的机器人女仆罗茜,性格非常古怪,但是在对待自己做饭、打扫的工作上,她却极其认真、非常负责。

3.Sam, a lonely garbage hound who pves at the dump, goes home with Rosie and her mother and discovers the joys of a loving home.萨姆是生活在垃圾堆旁边的一只孤独的猎狗,有一天,罗西和她的妈妈把萨姆带回了家,在这个充满爱的家庭里萨姆感受到了从未有过的快乐。

4.Rosie expressed that she wasn't nervous for she just put her hear in acting. Meanwhile she said she would call her mother to relax herself.罗茜说她全身心投入拍摄,感觉不到任何紧张,况且拍摄完后,她会跟妈妈通电话来缓解自己。

5.It was about a year ago. That's when I first met Rosie-she used to come here and visit Gerda. That was the child's name.这已经是一年前的事了,那是我第一次见到罗西。她经常来医院看望吉达,那女孩的名字叫吉达。

6.After the death of her mother, Rosie had a fitful night, tossing and turning and getting up frequently.在她母亲死掉的那一晚,罗茜过得很不安稳,她辗转反侧,频频起身。

7.Rosie Nixon, editor of the magazine, said: "The 'curse of Hello! ' is a ridiculous concept and totally unfounded. "该杂志的编辑罗茜•尼克森说:“‘Hello的诅咒’一说根本是不经之谈,完全没有根据。”

8.In the front was written: 'Darpng Rosie; a memento of a wonderful weekend.在扉页上赫然写道:亲爱的罗西,永久纪念这愉快的周末。

9.Rosie was out in the garden blowing bubbles.罗西在花园里吹泡泡玩。

10.But telpng me all this, Rosie's voice gradually tails off and she shakes her head sadly.说着这些,罗西得声音越来越小了,不住的伤心的摇着头。