


美式发音: [ˈsæməˌvɑr] 英式发音: [ˈsæməˌvɑː(r)]



复数:samovars  同义词

n.tea urn,urn,teapot,kettle,jug



1.(尤指俄式)茶炊a large container for heating water, used especially in Russia for making tea


n.1.a large metal container on short legs, used in Russia for making tea

1.茶炊 ... Samoan 萨摩亚人 samovar 俄式茶壶 Samoyedic 撒摩耶人的 ...

3.莫瓦 ... bowl 碗 samovar 俄国式茶炊 jackpot (彩票等)头奖... ...

5.沙莫瓦 Moskovskaya( 莫斯科卡亚)、 Samovar( 沙莫瓦)、 Corilka( 哥丽尔卡)、 ...

6.俄国的一种茶壶 ... dry wall 没用水泥黏合的石墙 samovar 俄国的一种茶壶 avocado 酪梨、黄绿 …

7.俄国茶炊 ... 梦网捕获的茶壶 Teapots that I fished from my dream net 俄国茶炊 samovar 菊花和眼睛 chrysanthemum and eye…


1.Each car had a giant samovar full of hot tea that was served along with black bread by an elderly woman.每一节车厢都设有一个巨大的俄式茶汤壶,里面灌满了热茶。一位年长的妇人负责给大家倒茶,提供黑面包。

2.Or sitting next to the main feast samovar tea, chatting, or rotate around a flood pipe smoking, to celebrate a really good time.宴主或坐在茶炊旁饮茶,谈天说地,或围着一个大水烟袋轮流吸烟,欢度良辰。

3.We always had the samovar brought into the outer room and she always poured out the tea.我们的茶炊总是放在第一间房里,而且茶总是由她斟的。

4.The old servant was active in unpacking a pavelpng-case, in setting the tea-table and in bringing in a boipng samovar.手脚灵便的老仆人打开路上用的食品箱,摆好茶桌,端来沸腾的茶炊。

5.When the samovar was empty, Rostov took up the cards and proposed a game of "Kings" with Marya Hendrihovna.当茶喝完时,罗斯托夫取来一副牌,建议与玛丽亚·亨里霍夫娜一块儿玩“国王”。

6.Then old Peter took his big coat off and pfted down the samovar from the shelf.老彼得脱下大衣,从架子上拿起茶炊。

7.bought the samovar as is from an antique dealer.原封不动地从古董商那里买到这套俄国式茶具