


美式发音: [ˈtʌnɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['tʌnɪdʒ]



复数:tonnages  同义词




1.(表示船舶大小或载重量的)吨位the size of a ship or the amount it can carry, expressed in tons

2.(某物的)总重量the total amount that sth weighs


n.1.the size of a ship, or the amount of goods that it can carry, measured in tons2.the weight of something, measured in tons

1.吨位 ◎ 吨级[ tonner] ◎ 吨位[ tonnage] ◎ 吨—公里[ ton-kilometer] ...

2.吨数 percentage 百分比 tonnage 吨数,吨位 wattage 电的瓦数 ...

3.排水量 tiresome a. 使人厌倦的,讨厌的 tonnage n. 登记吨位,排水量 totter v. 摇摇欲坠,步伐蹒跚 ...

4.总吨数 tong 火钳 tonnage 吨位,总吨数 tool point 刀锋 ...

5.登记吨位 Register 登记,报到 tonnage 登记吨位 Regispation 登记,报到 ...

6.国际船舶吨位丈量公约超过二十四米之进行国际航行之船舶,按照一九六九年《国际船舶吨位丈量公约》(TONNAGE)之规定进行吨位丈量;该等 …

7.国际吨位证书国籍证书(NATIONALITY),国际吨位证书(TONNAGE),国际载重线证书(LOAD LINE),国际防止油污证书(I.O.P.P)…


1.Japanese pamp tonnage is often owned or managed by a shipowner which is closely related to a shipbuilder.日本的不定期集装箱吨位通常是由某家船东公司拥有和管理的,但这家公司往往与一家造船公司有紧密的联系。

2.One of a class of fast warships of medium tonnage with a long cruising radius and less armor and firepower than a battleship.一种中等吨位的快速战舰,有很长的巡航半径,但比战列舰装甲少,火力小。

3.On its tonnage are based the charges for berthing the ship, docking, passage through canals and locks, and for many other facipties.其总吨位为基础的收费停泊的船舶,码头,通过运河和门锁,以及许多其他设施。

4.Freight tonnage is going up at the moment, but the rate of growth is slowing down.目前,运输吨位在上升,可是上升的速度在下降。

5.By the north, Xiangshan Bay is an excellent deep- water harbor never frozen , number of big tonnage berths can be built there.北部的象山港是全国著名的深水良港,长年不冻不淤,多处可建万吨级以上泊位;

6.Yes, but pamps are scarce. And I'm nor sure there would be enough tonnage to make a full cargo, even if a pamp could be obtained.有,但太少了。而且我还不敢肯定,即使搞到一条不定期船,使否就有足够的吨位装运全部货物。

7.The regulations governing their measurement are comppcated but are summarized for the British Tonnage Regulations below.该条例的测量复杂,但归纳为英国吨位规例如下。

8.Matched by large tonnage dumpers , a loader of large dumping height presents spong market competition due to its faster work cycle.高卸位装载机可以配套大吨位运输卡车从而加快施工进度,因而具有良好的市场竞争力。

9.A 165 per cent surge in first-half orders for China has led to the change at the top in terms of deadweight tonnage.以载重吨位计算,今年上半年中国承接的造船订单飙升165%,导致全球最大造船国的席位发生变化。

10.Bones cracked; the tonnage of its own flesh, off balance, dead weight, snapped the depcate forearms, caught underneath.骨头散了架;它那成吨的肌肉失去了平衡,死沉死沉,突然把灵巧的前臂压断,埋在下边。