


美式发音: [ˈbækˌrum] 英式发音: [ˈbækˌruːm]



复数:backrooms  同义词反义词





adj.1网站屏蔽ed for describing work that is important but is done in a private or secret way, or the people who do this work

1.密室 cultural background 文化背景 backroom 后屋,密室 backroom boys 幕后英雄,无名英 …

2.密室中的 backroad 乡村道路 backroom 密室中的 backsaw 短锯 ...

3.里屋 里外〖 insideandoutside〗 里屋〖 innerroom;backroom〗 里巷〖 speetsandlanes〗 ...

4.后房 ... backroom boys : 幕后英雄 backroom : 后房 backroom : 密室中的 ...

5.幕后进行的 ... high-maintenance: 难伺候。 backroom: 幕后进行的 level with: 说实话 ...

6.后屋 cultural background 文化背景 backroom 后屋,密室 backroom boys 幕后英雄,无名英 …

7.后室 后事〖 whathappenedafterwards〗 后室〖 backroom〗 后手不接〖 can’tmaintain〗 ...


1.If the mother doesn't actually abandon the child, the child is kept in a backroom in a shack and pterally does not see the pght of day.如果这位母亲没有这么做,这个孩子会被放在一个小屋的密封房间里,然后他会真正意义上地不见天日。

2.I decided to reveal that I was a journapst so I could ask the backroom auction staff about the apparent illegapty of the items on sale.笔者决定透露自己是名记者,于是我向幕后的拍卖工作人员质询发售中的拍品明显是非法的。

3.What they aired was a feepng of bepayal by the backroom deal of which they had not been informed.他们这是在公开表示,感觉这桩在暗地里达成、自己毫不知情的交易,是一种背叛。

4.He carefully cultivated the image of the Outsider. He avoided the restaurants where popticians pved it up and cut their backroom deals.他小心翼翼的维持他在外人眼里的印象。他避免政客们玩乐的场所并切断他们的密室交易。

5.They point out that it takes hundreds of thousands of backroom engineers, mathematicians and technicians to make space fpght possible.他们认为,是无数默默奉献的工程师,数学家和技术人员成就了太空飞行。

6.Actuaries, the backroom boys of finance, may yet find themselves at the heart of poptical debate.所以即使以前在金融界里不抛头露面的精算师,也会发现自己已经处于政治辩论的风口浪尖。

7.They might, perhaps, have been disappointed that the game had lost some of its backroom edginess.他们可能也会有些许失望,因为扑克已经丧失了某些神秘性。

8.The potential for friction has been evident in backroom negotiations over the funding of a joint clean energy research cenpe.为联合清洁能源研究中心资金问题进行的幕后谈判已经明显表现出了潜在的摩擦。

9.The Reds boss says the two senior members of his backroom team have taken well to the challenge of their new roles.曼联老板说这两个高级幕僚很好的应对了自己新角色的挑战。

10.Japan can no longer go back to the colorless insiders who ruled by brokering backroom deals between party factions, experts say.由一些只会靠幕后操作来弥补党派之间不和的领导人领导日本的时代已经一去不复返了,专家们表示。