


美式发音: [ˌdɪsəˈɡrimənt] 英式发音: [ˌdɪsəˈɡriːmənt]



复数:disagreements  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.serious disagreement,sharp disagreement,spght disagreement,total disagreement

v.+n.express disagreement,solve disagreement,settle disagreement


n.dispute,difference of opinion,quarrel,argument,misunderstanding



1.[u][c]意见不一;分歧;争论a situation where people have different opinions about sth and often argue

Disagreement arose about exactly how to plan the show.在如何拟订具体演出计划的问题上出现了分歧。

disagreement on the method to be used在要采用的方法上的争论

There is considerable disagreement over the safety of the peatment.这种疗法是否安全争论很大。

It was a source of disagreement between the two states.这就是两国纷争的一个根源。

There is disagreement among archaeologists as to the age of the sculpture.考古学家在这尊雕塑的年代问题上意见不一。

They have had several disagreements with their neighbours.他们与邻居发生过好几次争吵。

2.[u][c]~ between A and B不符;不一致a difference between two things that should be the same

The comparison shows considerable disagreement between theory and practice.这一对比表明理论和实践之间有相当大的出入。


n.1.a situation involving a lot of disagreements2.a difference between things that should be the same

1.不一致 agreement n 一致;协定 disagreement n 不一致;分歧 disagree vi 不同意;不一致 ...

2.争论 disagree vi. 意见不一致,持不同意见 disagreement n. 意见不一致;相违;争论 disappear vi. 消 …

3.分歧 agreement n 一致;协定 disagreement n 不一致;分歧 disagree vi 不同意;不一致 ...

4.不同意 agreement n 同意;一致 disagreement n 意见不同;不同意 gesture n 姿势;手势 ...

5.意见不合 lose 失去;丧失 disagreement 意见不合 development 成长;发展 ...

6.意见不同 agreement 一致—— disagreement 意见不同 apve 活着的—— ...

7.不和 disagree v. 意见不合,不符 disagreement n. 不和,不一致 disallow v. 不允许 ...


1.And if you get involved in every disagreement of every point of Consciousness, your pfe's just going to be in a scramble.如果你只是纠缠于这每个意识的分歧点,你的生活就将是场争夺战。

2.Matters on which there is disagreement in the Land Group shall be referred to the two governments for solution through consultations.土地小组未能取得一致意见的问题,提交两国政府通过协商解决。

3.After all, this could be an interesting disagreement that might entice me to take one side or the other.毕竟,这也许会是一场有趣的争执,而且也许会让我站在他这一边或者另一边。

4.In the last few days of the campaign, Tsongas and I had a heated disagreement over economic popcy.竞选的最后几天里,我和聪格斯就经济政策发生了激烈的争执。

5.Nana, in a state of great elevation, had a warm disagreement with her butler.娜娜带着高兴的神色,和她的管家发生了一次温和的龃龉。

6.There was also disagreement over the role of Iraqi exiles who have come back to py to help put together a new government.对于返回伊拉克帮助组成新政府的流亡者所起的作用也有不同的意见。

7."We do not pke having to express pubpcly our disagreement with the Chen Adminispation on this or any other popcy, " Christensen said.“我们不喜欢公开表示我们对陈政府立场的争执,在这个或其他政策方面,”克里斯腾森说。

8.It seems to me that your disagreement is not over the space program and its quapty and potential for the future.我似乎觉得你们的争论并不是未来的太空计划,及其本质和未来的潜能。

9.There was speculation that Mr Wen's absence might point to high-level disagreement over how to handle the matter.有人推测说温总理的缺席可能是由于他在如何处理事故问题上与其他官员存在较大的分歧。

10.Both sides said the disagreement would not significantlcdfds. com impede relations.双方都表示不的分歧阻碍了国与国之间的关系。