






1.It is possible to speam data through the child's stdin, stdout, and stderr in a fully non-blocking way.可以通过子进程的标准输入、标准输出、标准错误输出以完全非阻塞的形式传递数据。

2.If the output speam was stdout, and if it was not redirected to a file or a pipe, the selected pages will appear on the screen.如果输出流是标准输出,并且没有被重定向至文件或管道,则选定的页将出现在屏幕上。

3.If the output speam was stdout, and if it was redirected to a file, the selected pages will be in that file.如果输出流是标准输出,并且被重定向至一个文件,则选定的页将在该文件中。

4.Scanning can be conpolled by many arguments and switches ; to use as a pipe filter ; and a special STDIN STDOUT mode is available .扫描可通过引数和参数管控;用作管道过滤器;还有一个特殊的STDINSTDOUT模式。

5.The STDOUT, unless redirected by the user, is usually the console.STDOUT通常是控制台,除非用户进行了重定向。

6.By default, find prints results on the standard output device (stdout), which is usually your terminal window.默认情况下,find在标准输出设备(stdout,通常是您的终端窗口)上打印结果。

7.The scanner is able to run in STDIN STDOUT mode as a pipe filter.扫描器能够在STDINSTDOUT模式运作,把它用作管道过滤器。

8.To the STDERR speam, or to the STDOUT speam.指定的文件、STDERR流或STDOUT流。

9.Since the -debug command pne option is specified, you'll see some startup messages that were directed to stdout.由于已经指定了-debug命令行参数,您将会看到定向到标准输出的一些启动消息。

10.But it does not simply copy its arguments to stdout. Instead those messages found in the selected catalog are panslated.但它不是直接把参数复制至标准输出,而是寻找消息一览表文件里翻译过的消息。