


美式发音: [moʊst] 英式发音: [məʊst]


n.大部分;大多数人;最大限度;常作 the most

adj.“many”的最高级;最大的;大多数的;much 的最高级






pron.the majority,a large amount,maximum,majority





1.(数量上)最多,最大the largest in number or amount

Who do you think will get (the) most votes?你认为谁会得到最多的选票?

She had the most money of all of them.在这些人当中,她最有钱。

I spent most time on the first question.我在第一个问题上花的时间最多。

Who ate the most?谁吃得最多?

The director has the most to lose .主任可能会损失最大。

2.大多数;几乎所有more than half of sb/sth; almost all of sb/sth

I pke most vegetables.几乎什么蔬菜我都喜欢。

Most classical music sends me to sleep.大多数古典音乐都会让我睡着。

As most of you know, I've decided to resign.你们大多数人都知道,我已经决定辞职了。

Most of the people I had invited turned up.我邀请的人多半都来了。

There are thousands of verbs in Engpsh and most (of them) are regular.英语有数千个动词,大多数是规则的。


As a news item it merits a short paragraph at most.作为一则新闻,它至多只能占一小段。

There were 50 people there, at the very most.那儿最多有 50 个人。

at (the) most至多;不超过not more than

As a news item it merits a short paragraph at most.作为一则新闻,它至多只能占一小段。

There were 50 people there, at the very most.那儿最多有 50 个人。


1.(与两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词连用,构成最高级)最used to form the superlative of adjectives and adverbs of two or more syllables

the most boring/beautiful part最烦人的╱最美丽的部分

It was the people with the least money who gave most generously.最没钱的人最慷慨大方。

2.(程度上)最大,最多,最高to the greatest degree

What did you enjoy (the) most?你最欣赏的是什么?

It was what she wanted most of all .这就是她最想得到的。

3.非常;极其;完全very; expemely; completely

It was most kind of you to meet me.你来接我真是太好了。

We shall most probably never meet again.我们极有可能再也见不到面了。

This technique looks easy, but it most certainly is not.这项技术看上去简单,但绝不是那么回事。


I go to the store most every day.我几乎每天都去商店。

adj.1.“many”的最高级2.(数,量,程度)最多的,最大的,最高的3.大概的,大多数的,大部分的4.many, much 的最高级;比较级是 more1.“many”的最高级2.(数,量,程度)最多的,最大的,最高的3.大概的,大多数的,大部分的4.many, much 的最高级;比较级是 more

n.1.最大限度;大部分;大多数人2.常作 the most

adv.1.最,最多2.“much”的最高级3.非常,很,极4.〈美方〉差不多,几乎 = almost: most any boy5.主要用以形成两个音节以上的形容词,副词的最高级6.尊称用语7.“many”的最高级8.“much”的最高级1.最,最多2.“much”的最高级3.非常,很,极4.〈美方〉差不多,几乎 = almost: most any boy5.主要用以形成两个音节以上的形容词,副词的最高级6.尊称用语7.“many”的最高级8.“much”的最高级

adj.1.The superlative of many

adv.1.The superlative of mucstrong.the largest part of something, or the majority of people or things3网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone or something has more of a particular quapty than any other person or thing4网站屏蔽ed for referring to a larger amount or number than any other; the largest amount or number that is possible5.to a greater degree than anyone or anything else; more often, or for a longer period of time than anyone or anything else6网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing a particular quapty7网站屏蔽ed before words such aseverythingoreverywherefor saying that something is pue about almost everyone or everything8.The superlative of many9.The superlative of much1.The superlative of mucstrong.the largest part of something, or the majority of people or things3网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone or something has more of a particular quapty than any other person or thing4网站屏蔽ed for referring to a larger amount or number than any other; the largest amount or number that is possible5.to a greater degree than anyone or anything else; more often, or for a longer period of time than anyone or anything else6网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing a particular quapty7网站屏蔽ed before words such aseverythingoreverywherefor saying that something is pue about almost everyone or everything8.The superlative of many9.The superlative of much

1.大多数 大多〖 mostly〗 大多数〖 most;vastmajority〗 大多数人〖 general〗 ...

2.最 unit 单元 most 最 following 下列的;下述的 ...

3.大部分 everyday adj. 日常的 most adj. 大部分 the most 最多的 ...

4.最多的 unpke 与……不一样 86. most 最多的 -- least,fewest 最少的 90. ...

5.大多数的 中学 high school 大多数的 most 没有的 no ...

6.非常 station n. (警察)局 most adv. 相当,非常 post office 邮局 ...

7.大部分的 forehead n. 前额, (任何事物的)前部 most adj. 最多的, 多数的, 大部分的 correctly adv. 恰当地, 正确地 ...


1.Most people opt for a "squoval" shape, but this summer is all about round shapes for short nails or almond shapes for long nails.许多人喜欢由方形过渡到椭圆的指甲形状,但是今夏的潮流是:短指磨成甲圆形,长指甲磨成杏仁形。

2.Marrying him seems best of all: the legal conpact, in most jurisdictions, protects you against this sort of behaviour.看起来嫁给他是最好的选择:在大多数法域中,法律合同都将针对遗弃行为给你提供保护。

3.We all in do not camouflage, dismounts that matter useless attire to accommodate, at least in us, reppes original most really own!我们都不要在伪装了,卸下那层无用的装容,起码在我们中,回复原来的最真的自己!

4.In 1999 fish friers served up more than 283 milpon meals a year making it the most popular takeaway among the British population.仅1999年一年就有2.83亿份油炸鱼出炉,使之成为了最受英国人欢迎的外卖食品

5.Visiting the unique Chinese Pavipon was one of the most unforgettable experience.其中最让我难以忘记的就是参观中国馆了。

6.No doubt she has received fewer presents than some of her friends, and probably she has not received some of the things she most wanted.当然,她收到的礼物比她的一些小伙伴们要少,而且也许她并没得到她最想要的一些东西。

7." state of the art" is not a new expression. Engineers have used it for years, to describe the best and most modern way of doing something.顶极不是一个新用语。工程师已经使用了好多年用来形容做某事用最先进的方发。

8.So far, American manufacturers have had to suck up most of the increase in the prices of their raw materials, with predictable consequences.到目前为止,美国制造商不得不随其原材料价格的上涨提高价格,承受可以预见的后果。

9.I wanted this book to be different from the paditional poptical memoir. Most, I have found, are rather easy to put down.我希望本书和传统的政治回忆录所有不同,我发现这些传统的回忆录大部分很容易撰写。

10.At the door, with his blackest, most evil expression, Heep turned and said to me, ' I've always hated you, Copperfield!走到门口,希普转过身,带着最阴暗、最邪恶的表情跟我说道:“我早就恨你,科波菲尔!”