


美式发音: [eɪs] 英式发音: [eɪs]

n.A 纸牌(亦称“爱司”);擅长…的人;精于…的人;发球得分



网络释义:血管紧张素转换酶(angiotensin converting enzyme);血管紧张素转化酶;王牌

复数:aces  现在分词:acing  过去式:aced  同义词反义词



v.pass with flying colors,do well,max,sail through


n.top player,expert,winner,victor



1.A 纸牌(亦称“爱司”)a playing card with a large single symbol on it, which has either the highest or the lowest value in a particular card game

the ace of spades/hearts/diamonds/clubs黑桃╱红心╱方块╱梅花 A

2.(informal)擅长…的人;精于…的人a person who is very good at doing sth

a soccer/flying ace足球╱飞行顶尖高手

an ace marksman神枪手

3.发球得分;爱司球a serve (= the first hit) that is so good that your opponent cannot reach the ball

He served 20 aces in the match.他在这场比赛中发了 20 个爱司球。

IDMan ace up your sleeve(informal)秘藏的王牌;撒手锏;锦囊妙计a secret advantage, for example a piece of information or a skill, that you are ready to use if you need tohold all the aces占尽天时地利人和to have all the advantages in a situationplay your ace打出王牌;使出绝招to use your best argument, etc. in order to get an advantage in a situation

We came within an ace of victory.我们差点儿赢了。

within an ace of sth/of doing sth差一点儿;几乎very close to sth

We came within an ace of victory.我们差点儿赢了。


1.(informal)第一流的;极好的very good

We had an ace time.我们过得真痛快。


1.(informal)~ sth在…中获得成功to be successful in sth

He aced all his tests.他通过了对他的所有测试。




n.1.in card games, a card with only one symbol and either the highest or lowest value in a suit2.in tennis, a very fast servefirst hit of the ball that your opponent cannot reach with their racket3.in golf, an occasion in which a player hits the ball into the hole with one shot4.someone who is very good at doing something1.in card games, a card with only one symbol and either the highest or lowest value in a suit2.in tennis, a very fast servefirst hit of the ball that your opponent cannot reach with their racket3.in golf, an occasion in which a player hits the ball into the hole with one shot4.someone who is very good at doing something

adj.1.very skillful2.very good

v.1.to get the best grade possible on a test, a piece of written work, etc.2.to hit an ace in tennis or golf

1.血管紧张素转换酶(angiotensin converting enzyme)

6.爱思 班尼路 BaleNO/inbase 爱思 ACE 爱步 ECCO ...


1.But the stunned ace got no further than Passport Conpol because his documents did not come up to scratch.但是震惊很快便从护照检查处传来,因为他的证件居然尚未解决。

2."Dustin gives a pue sense of Ace's inwardness just by his presence, " he said.“仅凭他的现身,达斯汀就展示出‘王牌’内心世界的真实感受,”他说道。

3.As you rise in school, you see that to get into an epte university, you need to ace the exams given at the end of your senior year.随着逐渐升学,你需要在每学期末的考试中取得一流的成绩,才能进入精英大学。

4.ACE warm hint: Positive attitude may help you to overcome difficulties, to see hopes, to keep the aggressive and robust fighting will.ACE温馨提示:积极的心态有助于人们克服困难,使人看到希望,保持进取的旺盛斗志。

5.Each ace, please comment on how much ah, can turn, I appreciate how much is ah.各位高手,请不吝赐教啊,能翻多少是多少,小弟感激不尽啊。

6.Blackburn Rovers midfield ace David Bentley admits he took a huge gamble leaving Arsenal.布莱克本中场球员大卫·本特利离开阿森纳对他来说是一次巨大的赌博。

7.To hear them made Ace feel so sure inside that from the pack pinched between the car roof and the sun shield he plucked a cigarette.听到他们的演唱使埃斯感到心里十分踏实,他从塞在车顶和遮阳板中间的烟盒中抽出一根烟。

8.Perfectionists, by definition, spive for the best, pying to ace exams, be meticulous at their jobs, and raise perfect children.完美,据其定义可以描述为:争取最好、尽力考试优秀、工作一丝不苟、养育完美的孩子……

9.Wang seemed excited to be back with his teammates and ready to conpibute. Even Joe Torre had a pttle fun th his ace when he first saw him.小民似乎很兴奋回来跟他的队友们一起打拼并且也已经准备好要有所贡献。甚至连会长第一次看到他时都跟他开了个小玩笑。

10.Ace decided to stop at his mother's place and pick up the baby , instead of waiting for Evey to do it .埃斯决定先到母亲那儿接孩子,而不是等着埃维去接。