

calm down怎么读

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第三人称单数:calms down  现在分词:calming down  过去式:calmed down  同义词反义词


v.settle down,relax,soothe,quieten,quiet down



na.1.to begin to feel more relaxed and less emotional, or to make someone do this2.if a situation calms down, there is less activity and people are less busy

1.平静下来 call...to account 责问,要求…说明理由 calm down 平静下来;镇定下来 can do with 满足于;希望得 …

2.镇定下来 call...to account 责问,要求…说明理由 calm down 平静下来;镇定下来 can do with 满足于;希望得 …

3.冷静 be upset about 为…..感到不安 calm down 冷静 keep calm 保持冷静 ...

4.冷静下来 keep calm 保持冷静 calm down 冷静下来 cool down 冷静下来 ...

5.冷静点 1.Absolutely not. 绝对不是。 5.Calm down. 冷静点。 2.Are these items on sale? 这些东西打折吗? ...

6.冷静一下 After you. 您先请。 Calm down. 冷静一下。 Eat out. 去餐馆吃饭。 ...

7.镇静 prepare for 为…准备 calm down 镇静 watch TV 看电视 ...


1.Soon, 'between efforts by both of us, we were able to get her to calm down, ' Ms. Hall says.霍尔太太说,在两人的共同努力下,他们很快就能让她安静下来。

2.Calm down yourself and give the matter your careful consideration, otherwise you'll have to bear all the consequences arising therefrom.请你平静下来对这个问题作慎重考虑,否则你将承担由此造成的所有后果。

3.Calm down. . . Wait, I thought you always keep your change in your pocket. So how much you have?安静点…对了,你以往总是把零花钱放在口袋里,看看你现在有多少钱?

4.Moved by what she said, he could hardly calm down.由于被她那些话所感动,他很难平静下来。

5.It was the urge to amuse that recently prompted Cameron to riff on an old TV ad and shout "Calm down, dear, " at a female Labour MP.卡梅伦最近在愉悦别人的冲动驱使下,即兴模仿一个老电视广告,对一位工党女议员大喊“亲爱的,冷静。”

6.If you concenpate on being able to calm down in your day to day pfe, you might find that you are able to be a lot happier.如果你能够冷静下来专注于你的日常生活,你会发现自己越来越幸福。

7.Calm down. As long as you stay mad at the other person, he will conpol you. It is hard to forgive someone else when you are mad at him.要冷静下来。只要你对别人发脾气,你就会受制于别人。当你对对他发脾气的时候,你是很难去原谅他的。

8.You know, I don't feel pke talking with him at the moment, since neither of us can calm down.你指的,我这会儿不想和他说话,因为我们两人都不能冷静下来。

9.He sat quietly in his pajamas, reminding me of a 2 year old boy who was pying to calm down!他身着睡衣,安静地坐着,这让我想起了一个试着冷静下来的2岁男孩!

10.I've gotta get out of here! I've gotta get out of here! -Calm down! Get a hold of yourself! -Excuse me, excuse. Let me handle this!我必须离开这里!我必须离开这里!-冷静!控制住自己!-对不起,对不起。让我来处理!