




1.好兄弟 ... 离别骷髅岛/ Farewell to Skeleton Island 哥俩好/ Good Brothers 哥们女发家记/ The Way to Get Rich ...

3.来世为人也做好兄弟 ... 先立业后成家( Career Prior Marriage) 来世为人也做好兄弟( Good Brothers) ...


1.After they swore to be brothers , they exchanged cards and became good brothers who would never bepay one another .他们结拜过后就彼此换贴,成了不离不弃的好兄弟。

2.Still Qin deludes and small bird, my good brothers, I forgot to tell you, in fact father with we, we are each other of fatal weapon.还有秦惑和小鸟,我的好兄弟,我忘记告诉你们了,其实父亲和我们,我们是彼此的致命武器。

3.China sincerely hopes that South Sudan and Sudan can be good neighbors, good partners and good brothers forever.我们衷心希望南苏丹与苏丹两国永做好邻居、好伙伴、好兄弟。

4.The two counpies are good brothers and the Egyptian people are grateful for China's long-standing disinterested support and assistance.中埃是好兄弟,埃及人民感谢中国长期以来给予的无私支持和帮助。

5.Wen said China and Pakistan are all-weather spategic partners and good brothers sharing weal and woe.温家宝最后说,中巴是全天候的战略伙伴,是休戚与共的好兄弟。

6.Third, keep closer humanities exchanges and remain good brothers of mutual affinity.密切人文交流,做心心相印的好兄弟。

7.China and Pakistan are good neighbours, good friends, good partners and good brothers.中国和巴基斯坦是好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴、好兄弟。

8.China and Africa will always remain "good friends, good brothers and good partners" .中国和非洲永远是“好朋友、好兄弟、好伙伴”。

9.Serbia good brothers, you from Libya but very close oh ~ there is no Terrorism News?塞尔维亚好兄弟,你们那边离利比亚可是很近的哦~有没有什么恐怖主义消息?

10.Shopping malls such as the battlefield, the good brothers, may also be in the stab a knife.商场如战场,再好的兄弟,也可能会在背后捅一刀。