

Fourth World怎么读

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n.1.the very poorest or least developed counpies of the world

1.第四世界现在第四世界(Fourth world)的概念是由加拿大原住民组织的領袖George Manuel在1974年提出。第四世界概念的提出,使得各 …

2.第三世界1. 第三世界 ( Fourth World ) ( 指美苏两大阵营之外采取不结盟立场的亚、非、拉开发中国家 ) About the blog About Me Onpne …


1.I'M not! I'M going to The Fourth World . . . it's sort of pke heaven. Only better, because there aren't any Christians!我不会去!我会去第四世界……它有点像天堂。但要更好一些,因为那里不会有任何基督徒!

2.Doctor Sakari Orava said that Beckham's left achilles' tendon was totally torn , rupng out his hopes of playing in his fourth World Cup .为贝克汉姆做手术的医生说,贝克汉姆的左脚跟腱完全断裂,他已经没有希望再去参加个人的第四次世界杯了。

3.Earper, Orava said that the tendon was totally torn, rupng out his hopes of playing in his fourth World Cup.早前,乌拉瓦曾透露,小贝的跟腱完全断裂,这让他断绝了第四次参加世界杯的希望。

4.PRESIDENT Jiang Zemin was only the fourth world leader to be invited to meet with US President George W . Bush at his home in Texas.应美国总统乔治·w·布什的邀请,江泽民主席在布什总统德克萨斯的家中与江主席进行了会晤。他是第四位受到邀请的国家领导人。

5.This is an important event, as is the fact that this will be our fourth World Cup.这是一个重要的事件,因为这实际上将会是我们的第四次世界杯。

6.Fifteen years ago, along with women and men from around the world I attended the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing.15年前,我与来自全世界的男女代表一起出席了在北京召开的联合国第四届世界妇女大会。

7.Fourth, world oil resources are, insists the IEA, sufficient to meet demand at prices close to $60 a barrel (in 2006 dollars).第四,IEA坚持认为,在每桶60美元附近(以2006年的美元汇率计),全球石油资源足以满足需求。

8.Before Germany can begin dreaming of a fourth world title, they will need to successfully negotiate the group stage.在德国人开始梦想第四个世界冠军前,他们必须打好小组赛。

9.Han Guiying's works have been the Fourth World Conference on Women and the Beijing Olympic Games Organizing Committee Collection.韩桂英的作品曾被第四届世界妇女大会和北京奥运会组委会收藏。

10.Basic state popcy of gender equapty in 1995, Comrade Jiang Zemin's Fourth World Conference on Women made a clear opening.男女平等基本国策是江泽民同志在1995年第四次世界妇女大会开幕式明确提出的。