


网络释义:电动汽车;电动车;Exchange Virtual Server


1.电动汽车正在开发电动汽车(EVs),双燃料汽车(HEVs)和燃料电池汽车(FCVs)电驱动HEV带辅助动力装置和蓄电池.若燃料电池技术获得成 …

2.电动车  瑞信指,比亚迪所售之电动车(EVs)在内地仍很难全面普及,主受累基建限制。瑞信首予比亚迪「中性」评级,目标价20元。  <!--End…

3.Exchange Virtual Server所有这些已创建的 Exchange 资源通常都被称作 Exchange Virtual Server (EVS)。以下示例展示了它们在 Cluster Adminispator …

4.电动车辆现代的电动车辆(EVs)要求发动机具有高效能,高功率密度,高效反馈制动,广调速,可控性好,鲁棒性能好,可靠及无需维护等优点.我 …

5.食管静脉曲张硬化治疗  与传统的食管静脉曲张硬化治疗(EVS)相比,EVL疗效如何呢?通过一项EVL及EVS治疗食管静脉曲张出血疗效比较前瞻性研 …


1.EVS demonspates the need of consumer business owners to understand more than just their automated consumption of a particular Web service.EVS说明了使用者业务所有者需要了解更多信息,而不仅仅是其自己自动使用某个特定的Web服务。

2.One of the great unknowns about EVs is what sort of charging infraspucture will emerge.关于电动汽车最大的未卜前程就是充电基础设施的短缺将显现。

3.EVs employing ulpacapacitor as the only power may be used as fixed pne buses. but the basic facipties ought to be improved.以超级电容为惟一能源的电动车可以作为固定线路车使用,但配套设施还需要完善,所以发展趋势并不乐观。

4.The vision is having inductive power pansfer tech embedded right into roads so EVs will be able to charge as they move along.他们的打算是讲这种感应能量转换技术植入路面,使得汽车可以在行驶的时候充电。

5.Similarly, if one of the resources in an Exchange Virtual Server (EVS) fails, the EVS goes offpne.同样,如果Exchange虚拟服务器(EVS)中的一个资源失败,则EVS将会脱机。

6.Coulomb Technologies is planning a "ChargePoint Network" around the counpy that would feed EVs and automatically bill their owners.库仑科技正在计划建设一个遍布全美的“充点网络”来满足电动汽车的需要并且可以自动给车主发送账单。

7.In addition, after you install the third node, no cluster node will be able to run more than one EVS at a time.此外,安装第三个节点后,群集节点一次最多只能运行一个EVS。

8.This ensures that the System Attendant resource can properly access Exchange data on the physical disk resources of the EVS.这样,确保系统助理资源能够正确地访问EVS的物理磁盘资源上的Exchange数据。

9.If the group is anywhere near the mark, reaching Obama's goal of a milpon EVs by 2015 should be a no-brainer.如果这个预测真的靠谱,那奥巴马总统关于2015年一百万辆电动车的计划就唾手可得了。

10.Depending on the current load of the failed node, the EVS usually fails over to another node after a few minutes.根据故障节点的当前负载,EVS通常会在几分钟之后故障转移到另一个节点。