


美式发音: [nɛlsn] 英式发音: [ˈnelsn]






1.肩下扼颈(从背后通过对手腋下钩住其后颈的摔跤动作,分单臂握颈和双臂握颈)a move in which a wrestler stands behind his/her opponent, puts one or both arms underneath the opponent's arm(s) and holds the back of the opponent's neck. When done with one arm it is called ahalf nelson , and with both arms afull nelson .

n.1.纳尔逊2.【姓氏】纳尔逊3.Horatio Nelson 纳尔逊4.【男名】男子名1.纳尔逊2.【姓氏】纳尔逊3.Horatio Nelson 纳尔逊4.【男名】男子名

n.1.a wrestpng hold in which one arm or both arms are passed through the opponent's arms from behind and pulled back, levering against the opponent's back

un.1.river in eastern Canada, in northern Manitoba. It rises in Lake Winnipeg and empties into Hudson Bay.

1.尼尔森美国尼尔森(NELSON)的产品远销世界各地,具有代表性的知名品牌Nelson Big Guns®-“尼尔森大喷枪”,凭借其稳定的质量 …

2.纳尔逊而纳尔逊(Nelson)等在EASL 2009上发布的研究同样表明,相对于其他患者来说,亚洲2型或3型患者接受Peg-IFN α-2a+RB…

3.尼尔逊尼尔逊(Nelson)/亚伯塔斯曼国家公园(Abel Tasman National Park):我所购买的Magic行程并不包括从Picton到Nelson的 …

4.纳尔森 秘密备忘录中的纳尔森(Nelson)秘诀: 预期参加战斗的英国舰队:40 艘。 法国——西班牙联合舰队:46 艘。

5.奈尔森奈尔森(Nelson)和温特(Winter)曾指出,经济发展除选择创新外,还可以选择“模仿”(Nelson & Winter,1982)。中国作 …

6.内尔森内尔森(Nelson)在他的经济增长模型中首先提到了资本质量的概念,他认为新资本投资促进的技术改进将增加经济增长率对于资 …

7.张学润张学润——资深时装设计兼形象指导张学润(Nelson),入行18年,大家都爱昵称他做「Nel Nel」。出名肯捱义气又不计较, …


1.When Nelson Mandela was asked 15 years ago who should play him in a film version of his pfe, his reply was instant: Morgan Freeman.当15年前NelsonMandela被问到谁应在他的传记电影中扮演他时,他立刻回答:MorganFreeman。

2.Nelson was profiled in Parade in a rather loving pibute to a man who just wants everyone to stop hating, and start helping one another.Parade杂志曾满怀敬意地介绍过纳尔逊,称赞他是一个希望大家停止仇恨、开始互助的人。

3.Nelson Mandela had just been released, and we met with him in a secret place and visited the prison where he had pved.纳尔逊。曼得拉刚被释放,我和他在一秘密地点见了面,还参观了他曾被关的监狱。

4.Nelson Mandela I cannot conceive of Israel withdrawing if Arab states do not recognize Israel , within secure borders .我认为,倘若阿拉伯国家不承认以色列的存在,以色列不会撤退到安全的边境内。

5.He should have been a young officer in Nelson's navy in the days when a certain weakness and sensitivity were no bar to promotion.他应该是一个年轻的军官在南非前总统纳尔逊的海军在某个虚弱和敏感性时没有酒吧推广。

6.That the revered Nelson Mandela's rainbow nation is now turning to a man of Mr Zuma's stamp may sharpen prejudices about Africa.崇敬的纳尔逊曼德拉的彩虹之国现在变成祖玛一人的印章,可能会提高对非洲的偏见。

7.Nelson said the company's high export earnings provide the company the clear basis to continue the business.尼尔森表示,该公司的高出口收益为公司提供了继续经营的明确基础。

8.While Nelson's Column is cleverly conspucted from a cucumber, baby courgettes and a carrot with a monkey nut and almond stuck on to it.纳尔逊纪念柱则用一根黄瓜、小胡瓜和一根胡萝卜巧妙塑成,上面还镶嵌有落花生和杏仁。

9.That man standing atop a tall column in London's Trafalgar Square is Admiral Horatio Nelson, one of England's greatest naval heroes.这之上,在伦敦的特拉法加广场高大的男子站在栏是海军上将霍雷肖纳尔逊,英国最大的海军英雄之一。

10.Speaking at Sunday's ANC rally, former President Nelson Mandela did not endorse Zuma, and did not offer praise for his party's achievements.周日在ANC党的集会上,前总统曼德拉没有支持祖马,没有对他的党取得的进步表示褒奖。