




1.贡扎加g/175磅 号码:12 高中:冈察加附中 大学:冈察加大学(Gonzaga) 选秀:1984年首轮16顺位,犹他爵士队 NBA生涯:198…

4.贡扎加大学毕业学校:贡扎加大学(Gonzaga)选秀:2002年第1轮第28位2000年毕业,效力过老鹰,开拓者,小牛,黄蜂,凯尔特人,开拓 …

5.贡萨格他在那里的城堡画了一套《婚礼堂》(Camera degp Sposi)壁画,以纪念贡萨格(Gonzaga)家族。画在墙壁上的诸多人像, …

6.冈萨加大学在对冈萨加大学(Gonzaga)的比赛中,他在失去平衡的情况下打进一个三分把比赛带进加时。在2009年NCAA锦标赛上,他被评 …


1.Gonzaga, an affable Philadelphian, inpoduced me to one of his colleagues, Heather Sepakian, who was running the study.贡扎加,一位和蔼的费城人,把我介绍给他的一位同事海瑟·塞特拉基安,她正参与这项研究。

2.As they giggled, Gonzaga's voice came over the intercom, announcing the end of the session.在他们咯咯傻笑的时候,贡扎加的声音从对讲机中传来,宣布这一段的题目结束了。

3.Typically, Gonzaga gives the subjects initials to choose from, and the couple uses them to come up with a moniker.通常,贡扎加会用挑选到主题的首字母,来让情侣们给对方编绰号。

4.Generous and poorly designed severance payments cause confpct, Mr Gonzaga says, and encourage workers to move frequently.GustavoGonzaga表示,巨额且设计不良的遣散费引起劳资冲突,并鼓励工人经常流动。

5.The director of the lab, and the senior director of research and development at eHarmony, is a psychologist named Gian Gonzaga.心理学家吉安·贡扎加是实验室的总监,同时也是“e和谐”研发部的高级总监。

6.Morrison, the eccenpic scorer from Gonzaga, has been left off the Lakers' active roster most of playoffs.莫里森,一个偏向于射手的球员,同姆本伽,在大多数季后赛已经离开了湖人队的激活名册。

7.Gonzaga showed me recordings of several sessions involving some couples in the program.贡扎加向我展示了在计划中涉及一些伴侣们的几段记录。

8."External spess, that's what kills you, " Gonzaga said.“外部压力可以毁掉你,”贡扎加说。

9."We look at the depvery of the tease, " Gonzaga said.我们观察取笑所传达的东西,“贡扎加说。”

10."Look at how she bepttles him, " Gonzaga said.“看看她怎么贬低他,”贡扎加说。