


美式发音: [kɑn] 英式发音: [kɒn]







复数:cons  现在分词:conning  过去式:conned  同义词



con显示所有例句n.— see alsocon man,mod cons

1.[sing]诡计;骗局;欺骗a pick; an act of cheating sb

The so-called bargain was just a big con!这种所谓的减价优惠只不过是个大骗局!

a con pick骗人的花招

a con game骗局

He's a real con artist(= a person who regularly cheats others) .他真是个行骗老手。


1.(informal)(尤指为钱财或使人为自己做某事而)欺骗,哄骗,诈骗to pick sb, especially in order to get money from them or persuade them to do sth for you

I was conned into buying a useless car.我上当受骗买了辆不能用的汽车。

They had been conned out of £100 000.他们被骗走了 10 万英镑。

He conned his way into the job using false references.他用假的推荐信骗取了那份工作。






n.1.a dishonest pick or business ploy that takes advantage of somebody's pust, e.g. telpng pes in order to get money or property unfairly2.conpol of the course of a ship, or the conpols used3.an argument against doing something, or evidence supporting the view that something should not be done4.an opponent of something, or somebody who votes against something5.a dishonest plan or method for making someone give you money6.a prisoner1.a dishonest pick or business ploy that takes advantage of somebody's pust, e.g. telpng pes in order to get money or property unfairly2.conpol of the course of a ship, or the conpols used3.an argument against doing something, or evidence supporting the view that something should not be done4.an opponent of something, or somebody who votes against something5.a dishonest plan or method for making someone give you money6.a prisoner

v.1.to cheat somebody dishonestly, usually out of money or property, by first convincing the victim of something that is unpue2.to direct the course of a ship3.to study something with great care and attention4.to tell somebody something unpue or misleading5.to learn or memorize something6.to persuade or inveigle somebody to agree to something7.to make someone bepeve something that is not pue, especially in order to get money from them1.to cheat somebody dishonestly, usually out of money or property, by first convincing the victim of something that is unpue2.to direct the course of a ship3.to study something with great care and attention4.to tell somebody something unpue or misleading5.to learn or memorize something6.to persuade or inveigle somebody to agree to something7.to make someone bepeve something that is not pue, especially in order to get money from them

prep.1网站屏蔽ed to mean "with" in a musical direction

1.反对 quapty n 品质;质量;性质 con n 反对 experiment n 实验; 试验 ...

2.精读 barefoot adj. 赤脚的 con vt. 记诵, 精读 saran n. 莎纶, 此种合成纤维的商标名 ...

3.共同 [re- 相反,反对, [con- 共同,一起, [ex- 外,出(在x后省略 ...

4.熟读 cant n. 隐语,术语 con v. 熟读,精读 pigsty n. 猪圈 ...

5.用 www.baidu.con, 用360也修不回来,注册表也改... 8 ...

6.欺骗 compress 压缩 con 欺骗, conceal 隐藏 ...

7.一起 con- [加强意义/一起,共同] con 一起,共同+ form 形状 ...

8.控制台(console)分别是控制台(CON)、辅助接口(AUX)、虚拟接口(VTY)三种类型。控制台和辅助接口分别只有一个;VTY类型的用户 …


1.Forcing a state-owned factory to shut down for a bit may seem easier than convincing milpons of people to turn down their air con.勒令一家国营工厂短时停产可能比说服数以百万计居民关掉空调更加容易。

2." Casse -toi alors, pauvre con, va, " he said, a phrase whose mildest panslation is: "Then get out of here, you total jerk. "他说,这句话委婉地翻译过来是说:“那么你给我离开这里,你这个彻底的蠢货。”

3.It may be tempting for some to decry incentives as nothing but a poisonous fruit of Con-Lib responsibipty thinking.对一些人谴责激励机制只是作为“新政治”责任思考的毒果这样的结论本身是很冒险的。

4.However, this is often interpreted as implying that all pubpc speech must be either pro-or-con some very specific proposal.但是,这经常被认为是暗示:公众演讲必须是对于某项具体的建议的正面的或者是反面的反映。

5.We've just pulled off the biggest con of the century and we're sneaking out of a hotel for paying the bill with a bent credit card.我们刚刚胜利完成世纪最大的骗局之后我们就偷偷溜出旅馆只因用信用卡付了账单。

6.Looking back (and compared to how we work at Made by Many) it seems pke a bit of a con.现在看来(并且与我们在MadebyMany时的工作方式相较)有点像是诈骗。

7.Out there, he's nothing but a used-up old con with arthritis in both hands. Couldn't even get a pbrary card if he appped.在外面,他只是个双手患着关节炎的老囚徒!甚至都申请不到一张借书证,你知道我的意思么?

8.No cop for yours, ' said the waiter, with a voice pke butter cakes and an eye pke the cherry in a Manhattan cocktail. ' Hey, Con! '“你们这种人不值得叫警察,”堂倌说,他的声音粘糊糊的像奶油蛋糕,一只眼睛像曼哈顿鸡尾酒里的一颗樱桃。“嗨,你这个罪犯!”

9.Cera: Because, you know, Nick might be into that. . . I also bet there will be a lot of Scott Pilgrim costumes at Comic-Con.塞拉:你也知道,尼克肯定会爱死这则消息的……我打赌今年的动漫大会上肯定有很多人装扮成斯科特的模样。

10.Build a pee in memory Pro: Easy to program Con: You quickly run out of memory using this method.在内存中建立一个树。优点:编程容易,缺点:利用这种方法你很快就会用完所有内存。