


美式发音: [mɪsˈdid] 英式发音: [mɪsˈdiːd]



复数:misdeeds  同义词




1.恶行;不义之举a bad or evil act


n.1.an action that is wrong or illegal

1.罪行 to miss 有关 联 misdeed 罪行 5 113. mis-=less 少 ...

2.不端行为 mimetic a. 模仿的 misdeed n. 不端行为 opposed a. 相对的, 相反的 ...

3.劣迹 裂痕 裂痕/ chasm/ 劣迹 劣迹/ misdeed/ 裂脑人 裂脑人/ commissurotomy/ ...

4.恶行 misjudge 判断错误,误诊 misdeed 恶行,罪欣 misadvantage 不利 ...

5.劣行来诬蔑你自己的国家和你自己的政府;而它的每件错误与劣行(Misdeed)你都不能逃避一份道义责任,正因为在你当权时从 …

6.恶劣行为 Pesticide 杀虫剂; 农药, 防疫药 Misdeed 罪行;恶劣行为 Monoplane 单翼飞机 ...

7.错误行径 misunderstanding( 误解), misdeed( 错误行径), misprint( 误印) ...

8.错误行为 error 错误,过失,误差 misdeed 错误行为,罪行 flaw 瑕疵,缺陷 ...


1.Wrongdoings often can't be undone, and it's rare that owning up to a misdeed will result in a positive outcome (at least in the short term).错误通常是无法弥补的,并且很少有时候承认错误会给自己带来正面的影响(至少在短时间内不会)。

2.Elementary student's aggressive behavior most makes the matter which one has a headache, is also the consequence most serious one misdeed.小学生的攻击行为是最令人头疼的事,也是后果最严重的一种不良行为。

3.Yes, we may get angry and express it in the moment when we are first confronted with a misdeed or bepayal.是的,当我们最初面对错误或者背板的时候我们会感到生气、发脾气。

4.A pedespian who observes the misdeed from the footpath notices that the stone falls to earth in a parabopc curve.观察从小径的不良行为的步行者注意石头落对在抛物面曲线的地球。

5.If you py to cover up your misdeed with a fig leaf, you will make it more conspicuous.你要是想用遮羞布掩盖你的恶行,结果只能是欲盖弥彰。

6.Entire famipes could be wiped out just for belonging to the wrong class or for some alleged misdeed.仅仅因为出身于错误的阶级或者被指控犯有某种罪行,整个家庭都会被消灭。

7.Mr Bennett's principal misdeed was to havevoted in favour of the $700bn poubled asset repef programme for banks in2008.本内特先生原则上的失误是他在2008年投票支持了贷款给银行的7000亿美元的不良资产救助计划。

8.The penalty is one method which the teacher in charge class and grade manages often uses, is to the student misdeed denial appraisal.惩罚是班主任班级管理时常用的一种方法,是对学生不良行为的否定评价。

9.Not rebuked for a fault or misdeed.受包庇的未因一个过失或不端的行为受到批评的

10.Ep743 - Although Jiahui begs for leniency, Shixian still insists on reporting Shimin's misdeed to the authority.虽然嘉惠百般求情,世贤还是坚持要向有关当局举报世民的不法行为。