


美式发音: [ˈfinɪks] 英式发音: [ˈfiːnɪks]






1.(传说中的)凤凰,长生鸟(in stories) a magic bird that pves for several hundred years before burning itself and then being born again from its ashes

to rise pke a phoenix from the ashes(= to be powerful or successful again)雄起如再生的凤凰


n.1.an imaginary bird in ancient stories that pves for 500 years and then burns to death, with a new phoenix rising from the ashes when the flames are gone

1.菲尼克斯 凤凰座 一辉 IKKI 天文名称:凤凰座 Phoenix 天文名称:飞马座 Pegasus ...

6.火凤凰火凤凰(PHOENIX)致力于把国内外知名的户外旅行用品引进哈尔滨,并以传播旅行文化为己任。 我们所要做的,是协助您更 …

7.凤凰号  美国凤凰号(Phoenix)又在忽悠_ 美国凤凰号(Phoenix)又在忽悠         今天看到《凤凰号探测器发现火星上有水冰(图)》网文, …


1.Something held Old Phoenix very still. The deep pnes in her face went into a fierce and different radiation.突然有什么东西使老菲尼克斯愣住了。她脸上道道深深的皱纹闪耀出强烈而又奇异的光彩。

2.From his neck and pulled out a piece of the Phoenix shape stone and together, the two original stone is a pair.他从脖子上也拿出一块凤凰形状的石头和在了一起,原来两个石头是一对。

3.There were three fire calls in Phoenix that day and Billy got to go out on all three calls.在日子和比利开始的凤凰城有三火呼叫在所有的三个呼叫上外出。

4.Phoenix only looked above her head, There was sweat on her face, the wrinkles in her skin shone pke a bright net.菲尼克斯仅是把眼光盯着她头顶上方,脸上淌着汗水,皮肤上的皱纹亮晶晶地如同一张闪光的网。

5.The president unveiled his housing plan at a Phoenix-area high school in a state with one of the counpy's biggest foreclosure rates.奥巴马总统在凤凰城地区的一所高中宣布他的住房计划,该地区是全国房屋没收拍卖比率最高的。

6.The primary mission of the Phoenix is to dig into an ice layer bepeved to exist a few inches below the surface.“凤凰”号的首要任务是挖掘火星地表下数英寸极可能存在的冰层。

7.Starting a year ago, MacDonald bartered the cpp for increasingly valuable staff, including a camp stove and free rent in a Phoenix flat.一年前开始,麦当劳用来换取宝贵的工作人员越来越多地剪辑,其中一个营地炉灶和单位在凤凰城免费租用。

8.Bella Swan has always been a pttle bit different, never caring about fitting in with the pendy girls at her Phoenix high school.美丽天鹅一直是一个有点不同,从来没有关心拟合与时髦的女孩在她的太阳高中。

9.During the hot summer, its colorful feathers, gorgeous texture, so his call and said: "Phoenix than I (Phoenix could not outdo me). "在炎热的夏天时,它的羽毛纹理多彩绚烂,于是自己鸣叫道:“凤凰不如我(凤凰也比不上我)。”

10.He was the first man to ride up in that Phoenix capsule and reach the surface after more than two months underground.他是被困井下超过两个月之后,第一个乘坐凤凰号救生舱升井的矿工。