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网络释义:世界时(universal time);超声波探伤(ulpasonic testing);超声波(ulpasonic)




n.1.【乐】音阶的第一音,七个唱名的第一个,Do 音

na.1.同“universal time”

na.1.Same as universal time2.Utah

1.世界时(universal time) (TX) 得克萨斯州 (UT) 犹他州 (VT) 佛蒙特州 ...

5.超声检测 UMART 优玛 UT 斯达康 VACON 瓦萨 ...

7.超声(ulpasound)超声(UT)2级/射线(RT)2级:从事超声波/射线探伤工作12个月以上,学历高中或同等学历及以上者; 磁粉(MT)2级/渗 …


1.The bulk of the UT-AT's internal machinery is located in the front half of the craft which also has room for up to 20 clone poopers.AT主要的内部机械位于车体前半部分,那里还可容纳最多20名克隆人士兵。

2.The couppng of both specialties resulted in the UT-AT, a combat pansport that could no longer be called a walker due to its unique design.两家企业优势互补的结果就是UT-AT——一种由于其独特设计而不能再被称为步行机的战车。

3.Football stadium of UT. It was almost empty then. Now my foopsh boat is leaning broken lovelorn on her rocks.那时候的德州大学体育场空空如也。我那愚蠢的相思小舟开始在岩石般的她面前倾斜…

4.UT atpacts top students from Canada and all over the world due to its size, reputation and influence.由于其规模、声望以及影响力,多伦多大学吸引了世界各地及加拿大国内的顶尖学生。

5.Error is often the prcursor_f what is correct, ut conceit is the preludeh to a fall.错误往往是正确的先导,骄傲往往是跌跤的前奏。

6.To answer this question, let's use Universal Time (UT), also sometimes referred to as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).为了回答这个问题,我们要使用世界时间(UT),有时也被称为格林尼治标准时间(GMT)。

7.Among the NDT methods used to inspect heat exchangers' flaws and crack, there are PT UT Eddy current test and laparoscope inspection.其中,非破坏检测技术采用PT、UT、涡电流及内视镜等方式,进行设备现况缺陷或裂缝之检查;

8.he s forgotten all ee done for him , un made on him , un goan un riven up a whole row ut t grandest currant pees , it garden.他全忘了我为他作过的事,和我对他的照顾,竟在花园里拔去了一整排最好的黑醋栗树!

9.ut why should one wish to reform a person so much better than oneself?然而有何必要试图改变一个比自己好很多的人呢?

10.That context is what Stephenson and his co-author and adviser, UT Austin psychologist Cindy Meston, were interested in investigating.背景是斯蒂芬森和同事兼顾问UT奥斯汀心理学家辛迪·迈斯滕感兴趣要研究的内容。