




1.两个星期 B:这个。 B:This one. B:两个星期 B:Two weeks. B:巴黎的希尔顿酒店。 B:The Hilton Hotel in Paris. ...

2.两周 One week 一周 Two weeks 两周 Three weeks to one month 三周~一个月 ...

3.两星期 this week 这周 13. two weeks 两星期 14.. in a week 在一周内 15. ...

4.这些书你可以借两个星期 ... He talked to you.|他和你讲话。 Two weeks.|两周后。 It must be scary what you do.|你做的事情一定很恐怕吧 …

6.两周内res)都也许脱节,咱们要采选新的外助。”接下来的两周内(Two weeks),来自科特迪瓦和喀麦隆(Cameroon)的外助会到深足试 …

7.两个礼拜 C:I pke it very much. 我很喜欢这里。 C:Two weeks. 两个礼拜。 ...


1.Two weeks later, he found himself caught in the middle of a congressional debate over the size and direction of a behemoth stimulus package.但仅仅两个礼拜之后,他就发现自己身处有关经济刺激计划的争论漩涡。

2.He's such a cheat . He never stays loyal to a girl for more than two weeks.他是个骗子,他对女友的忠心不会超过两个星期。

3.Indeed, less than two weeks later, Mr. Putin honored Mr. Surkov with a medal for service to Russia. And with that, Mr.事实上,不到两个星期,普京就因苏尔科夫为俄罗斯所做的服务而授予他一枚勋章。

4.I said in my last sermon here two weeks ago, we ve got to understand again what faith is.我在两周前讲道时说:我们要再次了解甚么是信心。

5.The calf was kept away from the other hippos in the zoo for the first two weeks of her pfe, while she bonded with her mother.才出生的前两周小家伙总是远离动物园里的其他河马,一直粘着她的妈妈。

6.B. An International meeting is going to be held in Beijing next week. He is leaving for Beijing tomorrow. And will be back in two weeks.下周再北京会举行一个国际会议,明天他就要出发去北京了,两周后才回来。

7.The new regime came in two weeks ago and is intended to end a scam in which thousands of foreigners enrolled at bogus colleges to work here.两个星期前启动的新机制,终止了成千上万的外国人以假留学方式到英国来劳务。

8.A decision two weeks earper to allow foreign supermarkets into India was to be "suspended" , he said.两周前的一个决定,允许外国超级市场进入印度被“终止”,他说。

9.Spread the almonds out on a parchment paper. When cool, store at room temperature in an air-tight container for up to two weeks.倒在烤纸上待凉后放入保鲜盒,室温可存放两周左右。

10.This could seriously diminish the chances of a significant deficit reduction deal to be reached over the next two weeks.如此一来,未来两周内两党达成重大减赤协议的可能性会大大降低。