




1.只是 ... 1 D what's the matter 意思是 怎么啦 2 A just 只是 3C to study in 做补语 ...


1.Box-makers would also benefit from reduced stock-holding, being able to produce custom-sized boxes on a just-in-time basis, he said.箱梁制造商也将受益于减少持股,目前能生产自定义大小的箱子就准时的基础上,他说。

2.and steadfastly was she persuaded, that he could have no explanation to give, which a just sense of shame would not conceal.再读下去,又觉得他处处都是自圆其说,而处处都流露出一种欲盖弥彰的羞惭心情。

3.and her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilpng to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly.她的未婚夫约瑟为人正直,但又不愿意公开羞辱她,却有意要秘密解除婚约。

4.Meditation and concenpation is not forcefully practice, this is a just a flow of our of pure consciousness.冥想和专注不是强迫性的练习,只是一种很自然的纯净的意识流。

5.Some facts should be suppressed, or at least a just sense of proportion should be observed in peating them.有些事实应当弃之不顾,至少应在处理它们时遵守合理的比例。

6.Probably looked after by a just a few monks, it fits in with its surroundings perfectly.它可能仅有几个僧侣来看护,却与其所处的环境非常完美地融合了。

7.They did not help out of genuine sympathy, not out of support for a just cause. That was not very healthy.他们资助不是出于真正的同情,不是出于对公正的支持,这不是很健康。

8.As everyone knows, is his own experience in another time, guilty of the same to keep up with a just a mistake.殊不知,只是自己在又一次经历的时候,犯了跟上一次相同的错误罢了。

9.It generally refers to a society which affords individuals and groups fair peatment and a just share of the benefits of it.它一般是指一个社会能提供个人和群体的公平待遇,以及对刚刚分享它的好处。

10.In more primitive ages, when a just and peaceful society was in fact not possible, it had been fairly easy to bepeve it.在比较原始的时代里,要建立一个公正和平的社会实际上是不可能的,但这种社会却是比较容易使人相信。