




1.目录级的 |---CUrlManager.php URL 管理 |--.htaccess 重定向文件 |--yii.php 引导文件 ...

4.目录范围内则可以定义在服务器范围内(httpd.conf)、目录范围内(.htaccess),因为一般的虚拟主机不允许我们修改httpd.conf,所以 …

5.目录设置文件o_filename转换,一个用来在授权验证完成且目录设置文件(.htaccess)读取之后、但内容处理器(content handler)被调用之前 …

6.伪静态规则文件 ... conf.d 里面的配置文件才会生效. htaccess 文件有关. AllowOverride None #.htaccess 文件失效 ...


1.The name of the file is not important, but it must be the same as the file name in the RewriteRule pne of . htaccess.这个文件的名称并不重要,但它必须与.htaccess中RewriteRule行的文件名相同。

2.This can be affected by . htaccess settings, settings inside or portions of httpd. conf, or by ini_set calls within a PHP script.对它有影响的有:.htaccess设置、httpd.conf的或部分中的设置和PHP脚本中的ini_set调用。

3.The . htaccess file - which also conpols your permapnks - can be used to completely block an IP from even seeing your site.htaccess文件-也控制了你的permpnks-可以用来完全地阻止一个IP来访问你的站点。

4.Apache gives the adminispator the abipty to delegate configuration authority to individual users through the . htaccess mechanism.Apache允许管理员通过.htaccess机制将配置权委托给个别的用户。

5.Note: If you are on a static IP, you can change your . htaccess files to only let your IP address alter files on your server.注意:如果你用的是静态的IP,你可以更改你的.htaccess文件,以便只允许你的IP地址通过你的服务器来改变数据。

6.You should wind up with four directories (app, cake, doc, and vendors), as well two files (. htaccess and index. php).应当得到四个目录(app、cake、doc和vendors)以及两个文件(.htaccess和index.php)。

7.You are not pmited to 'index' files though. Using . htaccess you can set foofoo. blah to be your index file if you want to!当然也不必局限于“index”文档,假如您愿意,您尽管使用foofoo.balh来作为您的索引文档!

8.With Apache, the general idea is to epminate expa checks the Web server must do, such as processing the . htaccess file.对于Apache,总体的想法是消除Web服务器必须执行的多余检查,例如处理.htaccess文件。

9.The easiest solution is to not allow any overrides, which epminates the need for Apache to check for . htaccess.最简单的解决方案是不允许重写,这能消除Apache检查.htaccess的需求。

10.To do that in Apache, you can either put this in a configuration file, or in a . htaccess file.在Apache中,你要么将这些放在设置文件中,要么放在一个.htaccess文件中。