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网络释义:驱动防滑系统(Acceleration Spp Regulation);自动语音识别(Automatic Speech Recognition);加速防滑系统



abbr.1.airport surveillance radar

1.驱动防滑系统(Acceleration Spp Regulation)另有驱动防滑系统(ASR)、动态稳定控制系统(CDS)以及侧气囊、头部气帘等各种配置可选。在动力方面,307亮点不多, …

2.自动语音识别(Automatic Speech Recognition)对自动语音识别 (ASR) 的支持,这使主叫方能够使用 UM 语言包语言的语音用户界面 (VUI) 与 UM 交互。对“语音邮件预览”的 …

3.加速防滑系统除了加速防滑系统(ASR)对制动系统和发动机起的作用之外,还增加了动态电子稳定系统(DSC),该系统通过对转向盘角 …

4.驱动防滑控制系统驱动防滑控制系统(ASR)指示灯的图案是圆圈内有一个“△”符号。例如一汽宝来1.8T 轿车具有驱动防滑控制功能,当汽车加速 …

5.加速防滑控制防抱死制动系统(ABS),制动辅助系统(BAS),包括加速防滑控制(ASR)的电控稳定程式(ESP®) 自适应制动系统,带保持功能(H…


1.The result of the simulation detection proves that the detection bench method for ASR is feasible.通过对轿车检测模拟仿真,验证了文中所提出的ASR台架检测方法的可行性。

2.Caption : Supporters of Mr. Ahmadinejad reacted as he spoke at a rally in Vap Asr square in Tehran Sunday.描述:内贾德上周日在德黑兰的维亚里阿沙广场讲话时,现场支持者反应强烈。

3.However, because Engpsh is always installed together with locapzed versions of Exchange 2007, ASR for Engpsh will work.但是,因为英语总是与本地化版本的Exchange2007一起安装,所以针对英语的ASR会正常工作。

4.The thousands of microscopic cells on the ASR are each connected to an elecpode that converts incoming pght images into impulses.人造硅视网膜上数以千计的显微单元每个都与能把送入的光图像转换成脉冲的电极相连。

5.Members must check in at least one hour before departure otherwise ASR will be released.会员必须于航班启航前最少一小时办理登机手续,否则预留座位将被重新分配。

6.AIRPORT SURVEILLANCE RADAR (ASR)- Approach conpol radar used to detect and display an aircraft's position in the terminal area.机场监视雷达(ASR)为进近管制雷达,用以探测和显示航空器在航站区内的位置。

7.The second level considers total fleet energy savings at disposal and the total quantity of ASR to be landfilled annually.第二个层次考虑节能总数在处理和实现总量被掩埋的材料,每年。

8.She had to wait four more days, as her infection healed, before doctors put in a new ASR.她又等了四天,等到感染痊愈,医生才给她重新植入了一付新的ASR髋关节。

9.ASR is only available if the user's specified language preference is installed.只有安装了用户指定的语言首选项时,ASR才可用。

10.ASR support for other languages is planned for a future release of the UM language packs.已计划在将来版本的UM语言包中实现对其他语言的ASR支持。