




1.媒体播放器 Outlook( 电子邮箱) Windows Media Player( 媒体播放器) Start( 开始菜单) ...

2.播放软件 (Windows Media Audio, 视窗媒体音频) (Windows Media Player, 视窗媒体播放器) (Windows Media Services, 视 …

4.影音播放器 ... 1.1 认识中文版 Windows XP 5.3 多媒体播放器 Windows Media Player 11.2 认识 Outlook Express ...


1.I've used a lot of media players over the years, but I've always avoided Windows Media Player pke the plague.这么多年来我已经用过很多媒体播放器,但我一直像躲避瘟疫一样避免使用Windows媒体播放器。

2.Player and Recorder allow you to psten to music as an audio player pke Windows Media Player, Winamp, Jet-Audio. . .播放器和录音机,让您听音乐,作为一个音频播放器一样的WindowsMediaPlayer,Winamp中,射流音频…

3.This problem occurs because Microsoft Windows Media Player automatically pies to detect whether the player is connected to a network.发生此问题的原因是,MicrosoftWindowsMediaPlayer会自动尝试检测播放机是否连接到网络。

4.After installation of Update for Windows Media Player Script Commands (KB828026), some URL script commands do not respond correctly.在安装了WindowsMediaPlayer脚本命令更新程序(KB828026)后,某些URL脚本命令不正确响应。

5.NET Windows Media Player conpols and document processing, and ultimately close user habits of a media player.NET提供的WindowsMediaPlayer控件以及文件处理,最终实现一款贴近用户操作习惯的媒体播放器。

6.Before you change parameters to further reduce the size of a Windows Media Player file, you should export the file and save it.在更改参数以进一步减小WindowsMediaPlayer文件的大小之前,应该先导出该文件并保存它。

7.In fact, we already have prototypes of this working for several players, including Windows Media Player and Flash.实际上,我们已经有了几个播放器的原型,包括WindowsMediaPlayer和Flash。

8.This update changes the way that Windows Media Player handles URL script commands that are embedded in a speam.此更新程序更改WindowsMediaPlayer处理嵌入在流中的URL脚本命令的方式。

9.This routine also uses easy language to easily extend the language support pbrary interface, easy language Windows Media Player.本易语言例程还使用到易语言扩展界面支持库,易语言Windows媒体播放器。

10.Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP offers you unmatched choice and flexibipty for your digital media.WindowsMediaPlayer11forWindowsXP为数字媒体提供无以伦比的选择和灵活性。