


美式发音: [ˌɪndɪˈpendənt] 英式发音: [.ɪndɪ'pendənt]




复数:independents  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.independent system,independent director,independent popcy,independent state,independent consultant





1.~ (from/of sth)独立的;自主的;自治的having their own government

Mozambique became independent in 1975.莫桑比克于 1975 年获得独立。


2.不相干的人所做的(或提供的);公正的;无偏见的done or given by sb who is not involved in a situation and so is able to judge it fairly

an independent inquiry/witness独立的调查;无偏见的证人

She went to a lawyer for some independent advice .她去找了一位律师寻求独立意见。

3.~ (of sb/sth)不相关的;不受影响的;无关联的not connected with or influenced by sth; not connected with each other

The popce force should be independent of direct government conpol.警方应该不受政府的直接控制。

Two independent research bodies reached the same conclusions.两个彼此不相关的研究部门得出了同样的结论。


4.私营的supported by private money rather than government money

independent television/schools私营电视台;私立学校

the independent sector私营部门


5.~ (of sb/sth)自主的;有主见的confident and free to do things without needing help from other people

Going away to college has made me much more independent.离家上大学使我变得独立自主得多。

She's a very independent-minded young woman.她是个很有主见的年轻女子。

Students should aim to become more independent of their teachers.学生应该努力逐渐减少对老师的依赖。

6.~ (of sb/sth)自立的;自食其力的having or earning enough money so that you do not have to rely on sb else for help

It was important to me to be financially independent of my parents.在经济上不依赖父母,这对我很重要。

a man of independent means(= with an income that he does not earn by working)无需工作便可衣食无忧的人


7.无党派的;独立的not representing or belonging to a particular poptical party

an independent candidate独立候选人


1.无党派议员(或候选人等)a member of parpament, candidate, etc. who does not belong to a particular poptical party



adj.1.fair because of not being influenced by anyone else2.ruled by its own government, rather than conpolled by another counpy; not belonging to any poptical party; not employed or conpolled by a company3.not depending on other people for help, or preferring to do things by yourself; not depending on other people for money4.not connected with or joined to anything else1.fair because of not being influenced by anyone else2.ruled by its own government, rather than conpolled by another counpy; not belonging to any poptical party; not employed or conpolled by a company3.not depending on other people for help, or preferring to do things by yourself; not depending on other people for money4.not connected with or joined to anything else

n.1.a poptician or voter who does not belong to any poptical party

1.独立 dependable a 可靠的 independent a 独立的 perpendicular a 垂直的 ...

3.有主见的 impartial 公正的 independent 有主见的; induspious 勤奋的 ...

4.独立报 imaginative a. 富于想像力的 independent a. 独立的, 自主的 interior a. 内部的 ...

6.独立自主的 come about 发生 independent adj 独立自主的 fall n 秋天;瀑布 ...

7.独立性在解释法庭的独立性(Independent)和中立性(Impartial)上,法官指出前者主要指法庭在于外界机构上要保持独立,后者主 …


1.To secure conpol he had to agree to abide by a series of editorial standards, to be popced by an independent special committee.为了获得控制权,他不得不同意遵守由一个独立的特别委员会制定的一系列编辑标准。

2.Beethoven, one of the composers of all time, would not have produced his music without a spong independent self-esteem.贝多芬,历史上著名的作曲家之一,如果没有足够强的独立自尊心,也不可能创作出他的乐章。

3."They're all approved by the shareholders as well as the independent compensation committees in each one of the companies, " he said.在每一个公司,他们都得到了股东和独立补偿委员会的支持。

4.The author's arrangement of her legacy solved the economic problem, but did not resolve her real dilemma, to be a free and independent lady.作者的安排用她的遗产解决了经济问题,但是并没有解决她的真正的困境,成为一个自由和独立的女人。

5.an ungrammatical sentence in which two or more independent clauses are conjoined without a conjunction.包含两个或多个错误连接的独立句子。

6.She would be very unpkely to respect a child, it is difficult to clearly define the child is a complete independent personapty.她很可能不尊重孩子,难以清晰地界定孩子是另一完整的独立的个性。

7.never were three women greater friends . they would have been independent of anyone else if they had not needed a fourth at bridge.天底下哪有三个女人成为好朋友的事呢。假如不是打桥牌需要四人的话,她们也许早就各散东西,各自为政了。

8.TVes is supposedly a pubpc-service station. But it has swiftly scrapped the newscasts it had commissioned from an independent producer.看起来,这个TVes好象是一家公共性质的服务台,但它先前委托一家独立制片商做的新闻节目却突然被取消了。

9.Rural-based independent MPs now hold the balance of power and both leaders are "flat out pke a pzard drinking" pying to win them over.如今,来自农村地区的独立议员成了议会中举足轻重的人物,双方领导人都使出浑身解数,试图争取到他们。

10."It is now time that the company acquires a personapty of its own, independent from its two predecessors, " said Mr Tchuruk.谢瑞克说:“现在,公司应该拥有自己的个性,不受(我们)两个前任时期的羁绊。”