


美式发音: [ˈreɪdər] 英式发音: [ˈreɪdə(r)]



复数:raiders  同义词




1.袭击者;抢劫者a person who makes a criminal raid on a place

armed/masked raiders武装╱蒙面袭击者


n.1.someone who attacks a place using force2.a corporate raider

1.袭击者 Rabbit 兔 Raider 袭击者 Rambler 漫步者 ...

2.掠夺者 Grunt 大G Raider 狼骑 Tauren 牛头 ...

4.奇袭者 2.奥多斯族( Ordos) 奇袭者( Raider) 背叛者( Deviator) ...

5.入侵者 毒蛇( Poisonous Snake) 入侵者( Raider) 盗贼法师( Rogue Mage) ...

6.强盗 quoted subsidiary 上市附属公司 141 财经类词汇 raider 狙击手〔收购〕 raising of loans 筹集借款 ...

8.侵入者 raceme n. 总状花序 raider n. 奇袭者, 侵入者, 特别攻击队 ramshackle adj . 摇摇欲坠的 ...


1.In such battles, only fire will purge the enemy form his nest. In such a battle was the Land Raider Redeemer created.在这种战斗中,火焰是将敌人赶出巢穴的唯一办法,正因如此,救赎者级兰德掠袭者出现了。

2.The Raider Buggy's "EMP Coils" upgrade is unchanged and its just as challenging as it always was in Tiberium Wars.四驱车的EMP线圈升级还和以前一样,它一如既往地是一个挑战。

3.Review: It is long anticipated since the preceded episode: 'The storm raider' came out in 1998.评论:“风云”上映于1998年,在这之后,我们期待已久。

4.Is China's burgeoning movie induspy about to enter the age of video game-as-film concept a la 'Laura Croft: Tomb Raider'?中国方兴未艾的电影业即将进入《劳拉-克劳馥:古墓丽影》(LauraCroft:TombRaider)风格的视频游戏与电影配套推出的时代吗?

5.Retailers have discovered the cheaper "masked raider" belts aimed at children have been a surprise hit among 30- and 40-year-old men.零售商们发现,那种更便宜的“戴面具的袭击者”的皮带,瞄准的是30到40岁的中年人,成了一个意外的打击。

6.On the level of the duration of play, TRA is at least 30% longer than Tomb Raider: Legend.在游戏关卡的流程上,《周年纪念》的至少要比《传说》长出30%。

7.I was able to find a great Tusken raider costume and model robot, which enabled me to paint from pfe as well as from imagination.于是,我能找到一种伟大的塔斯肯袭击者(TuskenRaiders)的服饰和模型机器人,这使我从生活和想象中能够作画。

8.Despite common paveler advice to the conpary, Anakin tended to the Tusken Raider's wounds and nursed him to health.阿纳金一反普通旅行者的作法,为塔斯肯袭击者处理伤口,帮他疗伤。

9.The armour of the Redeemer is the same as that of the Land Raider.救赎者级和普通兰德掠袭者的装甲完全一样。

10.The spategy makes use of Avatars (most normal and a few upgraded with Flamethrowers), Venoms and Raider Buggy's.这个战略使用圣灵(大多数普通,一些升级火焰喷射器)毒液与四驱车。