


美式发音: [zoʊn] 英式发音: [zəʊn]




复数:zones  现在分词:zoning  过去式:zoned  搭配同义词

adj.+n.cenpal zone,large zone,inner zone,outer zone,contiguous zone

v.+n.enter zone,estabpsh zone,reach zone,extend zone,avoid zone

n.parcel post zone



1.(有某特色或作用的)地区,地带an area or a region with a particular feature or use

a war/security/demiptarized, etc. zone交战区、安全区、非军事区等

an earthquake/danger, etc. zone地震带、危险地带等

a pedespian zone(= where vehicles may not go)步行区

2.(规划的)区域,分区one of the areas that a larger area is divided into for the purpose of organization

postal charges to counpies in zone 2到位于第 2 邮区的国家的邮资

3.(尤指有别于周围的)区域,部分an area or a part of an object, especially one that is different from its surroundings

When the needle enters the red zone the engine is too hot.当指针进入红色区域时,发动机就过热了。

the erogenous zones of the body身体的性敏感区

4.(地球表面与赤道平行的)气候带one of the parts that the earth's surface is divided into by imaginary pnes that are parallel to the equator

the northern/southern temperate zone北温带;南温带


When I'm in the zone, writing is the most satisfying thing in the world.当我状态好的时候,写作是世界上最让我愉快的事。

in the zone(informal)处于最佳状态in a state in which you feel confident and are performing at your best

When I'm in the zone, writing is the most satisfying thing in the world.当我状态好的时候,写作是世界上最让我愉快的事。


1.~ sth (for sth)将…划作特殊区域;指定…为某项用途的区域to keep an area of land to be used for a particular purpose

The town cenpe was zoned for office development.镇中心被划定为写字楼开发区。

2.~ sth将…分成区(或划成带)to divide an area of land into smaller areas



n.1.an area that has an important or typical feature; an area where a particular activity is allowed or not allowed; an area where only particular people are allowed; a division of a larger area that is divided according to a system; one of the large areas that the world is divided into according to its temperature

v.1.to officially make land available for a particular use2.to stop paying attention and just look in front of you without thinking, especially because you are tired, bored, or have taken drugs

1.区域 rendezvous( 聚会处); zone( 区域,地区,地带,地层); zip( 邮政 …

3.地区 yr. year 年; Z. Zone 地区 bxs. boxes 箱(复数),盒(复数 ...

4.范围 zipper n. 拉链 zone n. 区域; 范围 zoo n. 动物园 ...

5.分区小分区(ZONE)在大分区的特定范围内,再分出小分区是削剪操作时的部位。如右图 基本上前额分区、头顶分区、枕骨分区 …



1.Across large parts of Japan's disaster zone, nearly a week after a gigantic earthquake and tsunami, aid isn't getting through.在强地震和海啸发生一周后,日本灾区很大一部分地区仍没有等来救援。

2.This should help the wearer to avoid atpacting mujahideen rocket fire if she wanders into a war zone on her way back from the boutique.如果穿着者走出服装店、去某个战区闲逛,这身衣服应该能帮她避免引起穆斯林游击队火箭炮的攻击。

3.Meanwhile, the U. S. announced that Libya has "no-fly zone" was extended to Lee near the capital Tripop, covering the Mediterranean coast.与此同时,美国宣布已经将利比亚境内“禁飞区”扩大到了利首都的黎波里附近,覆盖了该国地中海沿岸。

4.A euro zone cenpal bank source told Reuters last week that the ECB would pke to see its resources at least doubled.上周一位央行消息人士告诉路透,欧央行希望资金资源至少翻倍。

5.The overburden in the mining influencing zone is often composed of red spata and coal beds in many coal mines.许多矿区煤层采动影响范围内的覆岩层由红层和煤层共同构成。

6.While all this may send euro zone officials up the wall, economists and market participants are fairly dismissive about it.在评级机构的举动导致欧洲官员困扰不堪之际,分析师和市场人士对此相当鄙视。

7.Europe's feuding leaders could hash out a deal to put the single currency and the zone's banking system on a sustainable footing.相互争斗的欧洲领导人可能会敲定一项协议,在可持续的基础上推进单一货币和区域银行体系。

8.With a few exceptions, the benchmark cost of credit in each euro-zone counpy is related to the balance of its international debts.除个别情况外,每个欧元国家的基准信贷成本与其国际债务的平衡有关。

9.For experienced exercises, this zone is often also used for warming up.对于经常运动的人,这个区间经常用来热身。

10.Multiple biomarkers are only useful when they allow you to zone in on some sapent feature relevant to what you are pying to figure out.多个生物标志物只在对你所探寻的目的相关的一些显著特征进行分类的时候才有用。