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abbr.(=search and rescue and homing)搜索救援的归航无线电信标




abbr.1.(=search and rescue and homing)搜索救援的归航无线电信标

abbr.1.(=search and rescue and homing)

1.莎拉在线观看分类:动作 英国出品的大型希腊神话片,演员阵容坚强。

3.赛拉 Sara 莎拉 希伯来 公主 Sarah 赛拉 希伯来 公主 Sebastiane 莎芭丝提妮 希腊 受尊重的或受尊崇的 ...


6.沙拉 陈珊妮, Sandee 陈淑桦, Sarah 戴梦梦, Renee ...

8.莎拉杰西卡 Ralph Lauren/ 拉尔夫劳伦 Sarah/ 莎拉杰西卡 Stella McCartney/ 斯特拉 ...


1.Her mother said it must be a dream, but Sarah saw that there is a new teddy bear and some chocolates on her bed.妈妈说她一定是做了个梦,但Sarah看见一只新玩具熊和巧克力在床上

2.And she said, Who would have said unto Abraham, that Sarah should have given children suck? for I have born him a son in his old age.又说,谁能预先对亚伯拉罕说撒拉要乳养婴孩呢,因为在他年老的时候,我给他生了一个儿子。

3.Threats began to roll in, saying that her mysterious interlocutor would post Sarah's nude photos on the Internet if she did not send more.威胁接踵而至,这位神秘的访客要求萨拉发送更多裸照,否则就将她的裸照贴到网上。

4.How do you know "Sarah" isn't the right person to take the open job in London that you've been talking over with your colleagues?你怎么知道“萨若”不是你在伦敦与同事们讨论的那个职务的正确人选呢?

5.When Sarah Kemp signed up to a website looking for love her dream was to find someone with whom she had a lot in common.莎拉·坎普注册相亲网站时,只是想找一个和她有许多共同点的人。

6.Sarah had already provided a son for a woman in the Middle East and seemed more than wilpng to do so again for another one closer to home.萨拉已经为一个中东女人提供了一个儿子,下次似乎更愿意另选一个离家较近的。

7.Sarah glances away and he can see that she's biting the inside of her cheek, pying to resist the argument.莎拉的眼睛朝别处看去,他看得出来她正咬着脸颊里面的肉,尽量不和自己吵架。

8.Paul told them that the key Sarah got from his father was to a private cigar club in Chicago.保罗告诉他们,萨拉从她爸爸那里得到的那把钥匙是通往芝加哥一家私人雪茄俱乐部的。

9.The front-door bell rang. The landlady answered it. Sarah left the book and pstened. Oh, yes; you would, just as she DID!前门的铃响了,房东太太开了门,萨拉放下书来听。哦,是的,要是你,也会跟她一样的。

10."We have seen a bit of a spike because of the primaries, " said Sarah Chambers about attendance at NYU's Repubpcan Club.钱伯斯(SarahChambers)在谈到纽约院校共和党俱乐部参与人数时说:“因为有初选,我们看到人数猛增。”