
pig - Bing 璇嶅吀


缇?#160;[p瑟伞] 鑻?#160;[p瑟伞]



缃戠粶鐚尓锛涜瀵燂紱Picture in Graphics

澶嶆暟锛?/span>pigs  鐜板湪鍒嗚瘝锛?/span>pigging  杩囧幓寮忥細pigged  鎼厤鍚屼箟璇?/strong>

v.+n.kill pig,raise pig

adj.+n.wild pig,potbelped pig

n.glutton,greedy pig,guzzler,gourmand,brute鏉冨▉鑻辨眽鍙岃В鑻辨眽鑻辫嫳缃戠粶閲婁箟pig鏄剧ず鎵€鏈変緥鍙?/div>n.

1.鐚?/span>an animal with pink, black or brown skin, short legs, a broad nose and a short tail which curls round itself. Pigs are kept on farms for their meat (called pork ) or pve in the wild.

a pig farmer鍏荤尓鐨勫啘姘?/div>

Pigs were grunting and squeapng in the yard.鐚湪闄㈠瓙閲屽摷鍝煎湴鍙釜涓嶅仠銆?/div>

2.(informal)浠や汉涓嶅揩锛堟垨璁ㄥ帉锛夌殑浜猴紱璐┆锛堟垨鑲剰锛夌殑浜?/span>an unpleasant or offensive person; a person who is dirty or greedy

Arrogant pig!鍌叉參鐨勫浼欙紒

Don't be such a pig!鍒偅涔堣鍘屽槢锛?/div>

The greedy pig's eaten all the biscuits!閭d釜棣嬬尗鎶婇ゼ骞查兘鍚冨厜浜嗭紒

She made a pig of herself with the ice cream(= ate too much) .濂瑰ぇ鍚冧簡涓€閫氬啺娣囨穻銆?/div>

He's a real male chauvinist pig(= a man who does not think women are equal to men) .浠栨槸涓交澶村交灏剧殑澶х敺瀛愪富涔夎€呫€?/div>

3.锛堝璀﹀療鐨勮攽绉帮級an offensive word for a popce officer

IDMmake a pigs ear (out) of sth(informal)鎶婁簨鎯呭姙鐮革紱寮勫緱涓€鍥㈢碂to do sth badly; to make a mess of sth(buy) a pig in a poke锛堜拱锛夋湭鐪嬭繃鐨勪笢瑗匡紱锛堜拱锛変笉鐭ヤ紭鍔g殑涓滆タif youbuy a pig in a poke , you buy sth without seeing it or knowing if it is good enough

I've had a pig of a day.鎴戣繖涓€澶╁€掗湁閫忎簡銆?/div>

a pig of a sth(informal)鎸犲ご鐨勪簨锛涚儲浜虹殑浜嬶紱鑻﹀樊a difficult or unpleasant thing or task

I've had a pig of a day.鎴戣繖涓€澶╁€掗湁閫忎簡銆?/div>

鈥榃ith a bit of luck, we'll be finished by the end of the year.鈥?鈥榊es, and pigs might fly!鈥?/div>鈥滆繍姘斾笉閿欑殑璇濓紝鎴戜滑骞村簳灏辫兘瀹屾垚銆傗€濃€滄槸鍟婏紝澶槼鑳芥墦瑗胯竟鍑哄槢锛佲€?/div>

pigs might fly锛堣〃绀轰笉鐩镐俊鏌愪簨浼氬彂鐢燂級澶槼浠庤タ鍑?/span>used to show that you do not bepeve sth will ever happen

鈥榃ith a bit of luck, we'll be finished by the end of the year.鈥?鈥榊es, and pigs might fly!鈥?/div>鈥滆繍姘斾笉閿欑殑璇濓紝鎴戜滑骞村簳灏辫兘瀹屾垚銆傗€濃€滄槸鍟婏紝澶槼鑳芥墦瑗胯竟鍑哄槢锛佲€?/div>


1.(informal)鍚冨緱杩囬噺锛涘ぇ鍚冪壒鍚?/span>to eat too much of sth

I had a whole box of chocolates and pigged the lot!鎴戞妸涓€鏁寸洅宸у厠鍔涘悆浜嗕釜绮惧厜锛?/div>

Don't give me cakes鈹€I'll just pig myself.鍙埆缁欐垜鎷跨硶鐐癸紝閭f垜浼氬悆涓病澶熺殑銆?/div>

n.1.銆愬姩銆戠尓; 灏忕尓; 閲庣尓2.銆堜井杈便€夌铔? 璐悆楝?瀵逛护浜哄崄鍒嗕笉蹇殑浜虹殑涓€绉嶈攽绉?/span>3.銆堥潪姝e紡銆夎嫤宸?浠や汉涓嶅揩鐨勪簨鐗?/span>4.銆堜繗,渚颈銆夎瀵?/span>5.鐢熼搧1.銆愬姩銆戠尓; 灏忕尓; 閲庣尓2.銆堜井杈便€夌铔? 璐悆楝?瀵逛护浜哄崄鍒嗕笉蹇殑浜虹殑涓€绉嶈攽绉?/span>3.銆堥潪姝e紡銆夎嫤宸?浠や汉涓嶅揩鐨勪簨鐗?/span>4.銆堜繗,渚颈銆夎瀵?/span>5.鐢熼搧

v.1.銆堥潪姝e紡銆夊ぇ鍚冪壒鍚? 鐚涘悆

n.1.[Animal]a sturdy short-legged hoofed animal with a broad snout, especially a domesticated variety, commonly kept as a farm animal and traditionally represented as fat and pink with a curly tail2.<offensive>an insulting word for sth. who behaves in an unpleasant way3.<informal>sth. that is very difficult or unpleasant4.<slang,offensive>an insulting word for a popce officer5.a casting of metal in a basic shape suitable for storage or transportation1.[Animal]a sturdy short-legged hoofed animal with a broad snout, especially a domesticated variety, commonly kept as a farm animal and traditionally represented as fat and pink with a curly tail2.<offensive>an insulting word for sth. who behaves in an unpleasant way3.<informal>sth. that is very difficult or unpleasant4.<slang,offensive>an insulting word for a popce officer5.a casting of metal in a basic shape suitable for storage or transportation

v.1.<informal>to eat an extremely large amount of food at one time

1.鐚?/div> dog 鐙?pig 鐚?/strong> duck 楦?... 閲婁箟:鍏ㄩ儴,灏忕尓,閲庣尓,鐚涘悆,鐚尓,璀﹀療绫诲埆:鍏ㄩ儴,鍙h,鏍囬,鍏ㄩ儴,瀛楀吀,缃戠粶闅惧害:鍏ㄩ儴,涓瓑, the smell of the pig's meat , an animal that the pork industry feeds nothing but decaying vegetable matter, tastes better.鍗充娇鏄?/a>鐢?/a>鑵愮儌鐨?/a>钄彍鍠傚吇鐨?/a>鐚倝鐨?/a>鍛抽亾涔?/a>姣?/a>椋熻倝鍔ㄧ墿鐨?/a>濂?/a>銆?/a>

2.I couldn't catch what he said. He spoke in a pig's whisper.鎴?/a>鍚?/a>涓?/a>娓呮浠?/a>璇?/a>鐨?/a>浠€涔?/a>锛?/a>浠?/a>璇磋瘽鐨?/a>澹伴煶寰?/a>杞?/a>銆?/a>

3.But at the last moment, the pig pulled out of an event it was due to attend, after its creator decided to steer clear of poptics.浣嗘槸鍦?/a>鏈€鍚?/a>涓€鍒?/a>锛?/a>灏忕尓濡?/a>鍦?/a>涓€鍦?/a>鍘熷畾鍙傚姞鐨?/a>娲诲姩涓?/a>缂哄腑锛?/a>鍘熷洜鏄?/a>鈥?/a>绮夌孩灏忕尓濡?/a>鈥?/a>鐨?/a>鍝佺墝鎸佹湁鍟?/a>鍐冲畾涓?/a>瓒?/a>鏀挎不娴戞按銆?/a>

4.Always good to see God's design, these other neighbors had to admit Pig arrangements are the main - though remain in the speculation.姣忔瘡鐪嬪埌涓婂笣鑻﹀績鐨?/a>璁捐锛?/a>杩欎簺鍏跺畠鐨?/a>閭诲眳鍙緱鎵胯鐚?/a>鏄?/a>涓?/a>鐨?/a>瀹夋帓鈥斺€?/a>铏界劧鍋滅暀鍦?/a>鐚滄祴銆?/a>

5.Just as the Jade Emperor was about to call it a day, an oink and squeal was heard from a pttle pig.鐜夊笣姝?/a>鍑嗗鏀跺伐锛?/a>浠?/a>鍚埌浜?/a>涓€澶?/a>灏忕尓闀?/a>鑰?/a>灏栭攼鐨?/a>鍛煎櫆澹?/a>銆?/a>

6.We wish you that this New Year, the Year of Pig, is good with you and allows you to comply all the secret dreams that everybody has.鎴戜滑绁濇効浣?/a>杩?/a>涓€骞?/a>锛?/a>杩?/a>涓€涓?/a>灞?/a>鐚?/a>鐨?/a>骞?/a>锛?/a>浣犱滑椤?/a>椤哄埄鍒?/a>锛?/a>瀹炵幇澶у蹇冮噷鐨?/a>绉樺瘑鐨?/a>姊︽兂銆?/a>

7.There was Kroa who belched pke a pig and always let off a loud fart when he sat down to table.閭?/a>浣?/a>鍏?/a>缃?/a>鎵?/a>璧?/a>鍡?/a>鏉?/a>鍍?/a>澶?/a>鐚?/a>锛?/a>涓€鍧愪笅鏉?/a>鍚冮キ鎬?/a>瑕?/a>鍏?/a>鏀?/a>涓€涓?/a>澶?/a>灞?/a>銆?/a>

8.Since that she has congenital heart disease after the family sold the only pig and cattle, for her to seek medical treatment.鑷粠鐭ラ亾濂?/a>鏈?/a>鍏堝ぉ鎬?/a>蹇冭剰鐥?/a>浠ュ悗锛?/a>瀹堕噷鍙樺崠浠呮湁鐨?/a>鐚?/a>鍜?/a>鐗?/a>锛?/a>涓?/a>濂?/a>瀵绘眰鍖绘不銆?/a>

9.A teacup, a grenade, a pair of glasses, a frozen pig's tail and a peanut butter jar have all been removed from the male rectum by doctors.涓€鍙?/a>鑼舵澂锛?/a>涓€涓?/a>鎵嬫Υ寮?/a>锛?/a>涓€鍓?/a>鐪奸暅锛?/a>涓€鏉?/a>鍐峰喕鐚?/a>灏惧反杩?/a>鏈?/a>涓€缃?/a>鑺辩敓閰?/a>閮?/a>鏇?/a>琚?/a>鍖荤敓浠?/a>鐢锋€?/a>鐩磋偁鍐?/a>鍙栧嚭杩?/a>銆?/a>

10.Pig's "spelpng" in the early 1980s, the wind just learning Engpsh began to rise.鑷繁瀵?/a>涓€涓?/a>鍚?/a>涓枃锛?/a>鐚?/a>鐨?/a>鈥?/a>鎷煎啓鈥?/a>鍦?/a>80骞?/a>浠?/a>鏃╂湡锛?/a>椋?/a>灏?/a>瀛︿範鑻辫寮€濮?/a>涓婂崌銆?/a>
