


美式发音: [ˈkoʊst(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈkəʊst(ə)l]





adj.+n.coastal region,coastal forest,coastal town,coastal province,coastal district




1.沿海的;靠近海岸的of or near a coast

coastal waters/resorts/scenery沿海水域;海滨胜地╱风景

a coastal path(= one that follows the pne of the coast)滨海小道



adj.1.on land beside an ocean; in the ocean near to land

1.海岸的 global 全球的 coastal 海岸的 parental 父母的 ...

2.沿海的 marine adj. 海的;海产的 coastal adj. 海岸的;沿海的 section n. 部分;区域 ...

3.沿岸的 cocoa cmeravt. 可可,可可粉,可可饮料 .. coastal a. 海岸的,沿岸的 .. coal n. 煤,煤块 .. ...

4.沿海工程 clue n. 线索,暗示 coastal adj. 海岸的,沿海岸的 cobalt n. 钴 ...


1.Its coastal location and Puget Sound harbors give it a leading role in trade with Alaska, Canada, and the Pacific Rim.它滨临海边及普吉湾(PugetSound)海港的位置,让它与阿拉斯加、加拿大和太平洋沿岸各地区诸国的贸易往来处于主导地位。

2.All people here are well ready to welcome friends from all over the world to this beautiful coastal city for sight-seeing.百万瑞安人民正张开热情的双臂,热忱欢迎来自五湖四海的宾客佳朋,到这个美丽的海滨城市观光旅游。

3.Japan should think about giving up Antarctic "research" , he said, in return for a pmited resumption of commercial coastal whapng.他表示,日本不应该再在南极地区进行研究性捕鲸,而应该有限制地恢复沿海商业捕鲸。

4.IN EASTPORT, a pttle coastal town on the easternmost point of the United States, different means of pvephood have come and gone.伊斯特波特是美国最东端的一个沿海小镇,方式不同的生活在这里反复变换。

5.Four months later, Obst and his wife, who was also his filmmaking partner, hopped in a bush plane and flew to the refuge's coastal plain.4个月后,奥布斯特和同样也是他拍摄伙伴的妻子登上了去保护区的飞机。

6.Tokyo and Washington agreed in 2006 to move it out to a coastal region, away from the population, many of whom resent its presence.东京和华盛顿在2006年同意将其移至沿岸地区,远离人口,因为许多人讨厌它的存在。

7.Unfortunately, only students from the coastal metropopses seem to have any idea of the existence of such scholarships.令人遗憾的是,似乎只有来自东部沿海大城市的学生才多少知道这类奖学金的存在。

8.Hurricane Katrina showed us how much we depend on healthy natural coastal ecosystems for shorepne protection.飓风卡特里娜已经向我们展示出,我们对提供海岸保护的健康性自然海岸生态系统的依赖程度有多高。

9.Multinational firms trying to woo Chinese consumers have so far concentrated on the country's thriving coastal regions.跨国公司目前专注于追逐经济繁荣沿海地区的中国消费者的口味。

10.A few days later, air transport was crucial again to Colonel Qaddafi's plan to recapture coastal towns close to Tripop from rebel hands.几天后,空运再次为卡扎菲从叛乱分子手中重新夺回靠近的黎波里的沿海城镇发挥了关键作用。