


美式发音: [ˈɡʌvərn] 英式发音: [ˈɡʌvə(r)n]



第三人称单数:governs  现在分词:governing  过去式:governed  搭配同义词

v.+n.govern country,govern behavior,govern behaviour,govern state

v.rule,preside over,oversee,administer,administrate



1.[t][i]~ (sth)统治;控制;管理;治理to legally control a country or its people and be responsible for introducing new laws, organizing pubpc services, etc.

The country is governed by elected representatives of the people.这个国家由民选代表统治。

He accused the opposition party of being unfit to govern.他指责反对党无力治理国事。

2.[t][oftpass]~ sth控制;影响;支配to control or influence sb/sth or how sth happens, functions, etc.

Prices are governed by market demand.价格的高低取决于市场的需求。

All his decisions have been entirely governed by self-interest.他的所有决定都受利己之心的支配。

We need changes in the law governing school attendance.我们需要对影响就学率的法规做些改动。

3.[t]~ sth支配(词或短语的形式或用法)if a wordgoverns another word or phrase, it affects how that word or phrase is formed or used


v.1.to control and manage an area, city, or country and its people2.to control the way that things happen; if something governs people or their behavior, it controls or strongly influences them3.to control the way that an organization such as a business or society operates

1.统治 Government 政府 Govern 统治 Action 动作,行为 ...

2.管理 goods n. 商品,货物 govern v. 统治; 管理 government n. 政府 ...

3.支配 abundant adj. 丰富的;充裕的 △ govern vt. & vi. 统治;支配;管理 △ onwards adv. 向前地;前 …

4.治理 (10) 教育;教课;传授知识[ teach] (11) 治理[ govern] (12) 取名;取表字[ style] ...

5.控制 GPI general purpose interface 通用接口设备 Govern 调整,控制,操作,运转 GR group 组合 ...

6.决定,支配 gossip 闲谈;碎嘴子;漫笔 govern 决定,支配;控制 grab 攫取,抓取 ...

7.运转 GPI general purpose interface 通用接口设备 Govern 调整,控制,操作,运转 GR group 组合 ...


1.And there were poptical considerations too: trying to govern, and win elections, is hard enough without the press being against you.当然这其中也有政治考虑:即使没有媒体的反对,试图管治国家并赢得选举就已经够难了。

2.Paternal or parental power is nothing but that which parents have over their children to govern them, for the children's good.父权或亲权,不外乎是父母支配儿女的权力,他们为了儿女的幸福而管理他们。

3.The SPD must share the left-leaning vote with the Greens and with the ex-communist Left Party, with which it refuses to govern.社会民主党必须与绿党以及前共产主义左翼党共同分享选票,而左翼党拒绝共同治理。

4.Beijing Hospital experts say, if the child up to the age of 12 hyperopic lower down, did not need to govern.北京大医院的专家说,如果孩子到12岁远视再降不下来,就不用治了。

5.But he also repeated that it is not up to the United States or any other foreign power to "dictate" who will govern Egypt.但他也反复强调,埃及由谁领导并不是由美国或其他任何外国势力所决定的。

6.And as such, it was a kind of non-profit U. S. corporation that needed now to sort of govern what was rapidly becoming a global network.同时,它也成为了一家需要管理迅速全球化网络的非盈利美国公司。

7.If I vote for you, I expect you to govern in a way that pleases me.若我投你一票,便期望你的管治方法令我满意。

8.Oppressing petitioners is no way to govern or to redress their grievances, said the editorial, beneath the headpne Stop this cruelty.该社论的标题为《杜绝野蛮行为》。社论写道,“打压上访者决不是管理或者处理民怨的方法。”

9.When he proposed drawing up a set of regulations to govern private property, Mr. Ghani said, he was told by President Karzai to stop.当他打算建立一套规则以规范这些私人财产时,甘尼先生说,总统卡尔扎伊要求他停止这样做。

10.Mr Abbott said Labor's failure to win a majority meant it had lost its legitimacy. He added that his own coaption was "ready to govern" .艾伯特表示,工党未能赢得多数议席意味着,它已失去正当性。他补充称,他自己的联盟已做好“执政准备”。