


网络释义:超高速(ultra high speed);大学医疗保健处(University Health Service)


1.超高速(ultra high speed)且在超高速(UHS)模式下,更可以每秒10画格速度拍摄130万画素的影像15张。而微距与超微距模式,具备GT镜片的绝佳品质 …

2.大学医疗保健处(University Health Service)就好比我朋友遇到的情况,UHSuniversity health service)就不设ER(请看名字,虽然大小比一般医院还大,但是就是不叫h…


1.You'll be able to hear your "ums" and "uhs" and "okay s" and you can practice reducing them from your conversational speech.你会听到自己的“嗯”、“呃”、和“好”等各种语气词,你可以通过练习减少在谈话中使用这些词。

2.No, a few 'ers' and 'uhs' is actually understandable and conversational. But make sure not to make it a habit.没什么大不了的,几个‘呃’跟‘啊’是可以被理解的,且更显对话感觉。但就是别养成习惯了。

3.Oral Popo vaccine is available, for epgible University Health Service users, in the Treatment Room of UHS, HKU and is free of charge.香港大学医疗保健处现为可使用本处人士提供小儿麻痹口服疫苗,费用全免。

4.What are the sources of variabipty in the UHS system?UHS系统可变性的来源是什麽?

5.I have a chronic illness necessitating long- term regular medication , currently obtained from UHS .我患有慢性疾病,需要长期定时服用大学保健处提供的药物。