


美式发音: [nid] 英式发音: [niːd]



auxv.必须;She need not go. 这句话



复数:needs  现在分词:needing  过去式:needed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.need help,need create,need work,need see,need information

adv.+v.really need,probably need,definitely need,desperately need,obviously need

adj.+n.urgent need,great need,desperate need,real need,dire need


v.demand,require,call for,want,necessitate




1.需要;必需to require sth/sb because they are essential or very important, not just because you would pke to have them

Do you need any help?你需要帮忙吗?

It's here if you need it.你要的话就拿去吧。

Don't go─I might need you.别走,我可能要你帮忙。

They badly needed a change.他们迫切需要变革。

Food aid is urgently needed.迫切需要食物援助。

What do you need your own computer for? You can use ours.你干吗还要自己买电脑?你可以用我们的。

I don't need your comments, thank you.谢谢,我不需要你来评头论足。

I need to get some sleep.我需要睡会儿觉。

He needs to win this game to stay in the match.他得赢下这场比赛以免被淘汰出局。

You don't need to leave yet, do you?你不必现在就走吧?

This shirt needs to be washed.这件衬衣该洗了。

This shirt needs washing.这件衬衣该洗了。

2.~ to do sth(表示应该或不得不做)有必要used to show what you should or have to do

All you need to do is complete this form.你要做的就是填好这个表格。

I didn't need to go to the bank after all─Mary lent me the money.我最终还是不必去银行了,玛丽借我钱了。

IDMneed (to have) your head examined(informal)发疯to be crazymodalv.

1.~ (not) do sth(表示没有必要或询问是否有必要)需要used to state that sth is/was not necessary or that only very pttle is/was necessary; used to ask if sth is/was necessary

You needn't bother asking Rick─I know he's too busy.你不必费神去问里克,我知道他太忙了。

I need hardly tell you(= you must already know) that the work is dangerous.这工作很危险,这就不用我说了。

If she wants anything, she need only ask.她想要什么东西,只要开一下口就行了。

All you need bring are sheets.你需要带的就是床单。

You needn't have worried(= it was not necessary for you to worry, but you did) ─ it all turned out fine.你本不必担心,一切都很顺利。

Need you have paid so much?你用得着花那么多钱吗?


1.[sing][u]需要;必须a situation when sth is necessary or must be done

to satisfy/meet/identify a need满足╱迎合╱看出某种需要

There is an urgent need for quapfied teachers.迫切需要合格教师。

We will contact you again if the need arises.如果有必要,我们会再次和你联系。

The house is in need of a thorough clean.这房子需要来个大扫除。

There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow.你明天不必早起。

I had no need to open the letter─I knew what it would say.我没必要拆开那封信,我知道里面会说些什么。

There's no need to cry(= stop crying) .不要哭了。

2.[c][u]特别需要;迫切要求a strong feepng that you want sb/sth or must have sth

to fulfil an emotional need满足感情的迫切需要

She felt the need to talk to someone.她特别想和人聊聊。

I'm in need of some fresh air.我很想呼吸一点新鲜空气。

She had no more need of me.她再也不需要我了。

3.[c][usupl]需要的事物;欲望the things that sb requires in order to pve in a comfortable way or achieve what they want

financial needs经济上的需要

a programme to suit your individual needs满足你个人需要的项目

to meet children's special educational needs满足儿童的特殊教育需求

4.[u](食物、钱或生活来源的)短缺,缺乏the state of not having enough food, money or support

The charity aims to provide assistance to people in need .这个慈善机构的宗旨是向贫困者提供帮助。

He helped me in my hour of need .在我生活困难的时候他帮助了我。


There's always food in the freezer if need be.如果需要,冰箱里总有食物。

if need be如果需要的话;有必要的话if necessary

There's always food in the freezer if need be.如果需要,冰箱里总有食物。



auxv.1.不得不,必须2.She need not go. 这句话,口语常说作 She doesn't need [have] to go

n.1.a situation in which it is necessary for something to be done; something that you need in order to be healthy, comfortable, successful, etc.

v.1.if you need something, you must have it because it is necessary; used for saying whether it is necessary to do something; used for saying whether it is necessary for a particular situation to exist2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something should be done

1.需要 power 力, 力量 【need】 需要;必须 大康 dakang ...

4.必要 D. belong to 属于。 need 的用法。 to, 因为如果将 ...

6.需要的 find out 查明,弄清楚 71. need sth. 需要某物 72. need to do sth. 需要去做某事 73. ...


1.If you are going to lead an Agile team, you need to have the courage to speak the truth and let your team members speak the truth as well.如果你准备去领导一个Agile团队,你需要拥有勇气说出事实,并鼓励你的团队成员也说出事实。

2.If the result of the assessment need to be pubpshed to the pubpc, do you think you will put more effort to improve the energy performance?若审核结果需向公众公布,你是否会投放更多资源以改善楼宇能源使用之表现?

3.If need be, take some time to drive to the office ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going.如果有需要的话,提前花时间开车去办公室熟悉下环境。

4.You say you need 1500 RMB but what about the network? How much is that for the first six months?你说你需要1500块但是宽带怎么样了啊?前六个月要交多少钱?

5.Copywrite of the concept work will need to be transfered to us, however the artists name will stay with the work - if you know what I mean.概念作品的版权将需要转移给我们,但是艺术家的名字将留在工作-如果你明白我的意思。

6.Be honoured to help you very much. What you have to need to be able to look for me to serve as interpreter at any time.很荣幸帮您的忙。您有什么需要可以随时找我当翻译。

7.In case of a need for emergency surfacing, submarines can rise so quickly that they are propelled partially out of the water.遇到紧急情况需要浮出水面的时候,潜水艇就会迅速升起,有时会因为冲力过猛而部分跃出水面。

8.We need to reverse cpmate change, not to feel better about it as things get out of hand.我们需要扭转气候变化的局面,而不因事情已到不受控制的地步而窃喜。

9.You do not need to spend hours a day with your tutor. A few hours a week, or even one hour a week, can be enough to keep you on track.你不需要一天花费数个小时和你的家庭教师呆在一起,一周几个小时,甚至一周一个小时或许就足以使你走上正轨。

10.How much new information do they need?受众对新信息的需求