


美式发音: [taʃˈkɛnt] 英式发音: 





n.1.[City]the capital of

1.塔什干 哈萨克斯坦, Almaty 乌兹别克斯坦, Tashkent 乌克兰, Kiev ...

3.塔什干市在的乌兹别克斯坦(UZBEKISTAN)共和国首都塔什干市(Tashkent) 唐代此地有九个君主均为姓昭武的国家,称昭武九国,石国 …

4.塔什干机场 塔什干 TAS 塔什干机场 TASHKENT 斯里巴加湾 BWN ...

5.塔什干国际广播电台 ... R. ROMANIA INT'L( 罗马尼亚国际广播电台) R. TASHKENT塔什干国际广播电台) V.O. TURKEY( …

6.塔什干号 ... - Destroyers Escorts《 护航驱逐舰》 - Tashkent塔什干号》 - Destroyers Type 'Daring'《 勇敢级驱逐 …

7.塔什干天气预报塔什干天气预报(tashkent)加入收藏夹 转发天气: 乌兹别克斯坦其他城市天气: 阿尔马雷克天气 布哈拉天气 费尔干纳天气 更多 …


1.The enriched uranium was used in a Soviet-designed research reactor near Tashkent, described as the largest of its kind in Central Asia.这批浓缩铀过去是在塔什干附近前苏联设计的一个研究反应堆使用的,这个反应堆被称为是中亚同类反应堆中最大的一个。

2.The Hungry Steppe: that's what the Russians used to call the area beside the road from Samarkand to Tashkent.从撒马尔罕到塔什干一路上的地区,曾被俄国人称为不毛之地。

3.Through a friend of a friend, I found an apartment in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, that I could rent for a hundred dollars per month.通过一个朋友的朋友,我在乌兹别克的塔什干找到了一处公寓,租金每个月几百美元。

4.The extensive network of partnership the last Tashkent Summit decided to create is steadily taking shape.上次塔什干峰会确定建立的本组织广泛的伙伴关系网络逐步形成。

5.It gives me great pleasure to meet you all in Tashkent, a city with a history of several thousand years.很高兴在千年古城塔什干同大家见面。

6.In June this year, the SCO convened its summit in Tashkent, when it determined its future development orientation and work objectives.今年6月,上海合作组织在塔什干举行了峰会,规划了上海合作组织今后的发展方向,明确了今后的工作目标。

7.Uzbekistan is holding the rotating presidency of the SCO and this year's SCO summit will be held in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan.乌兹别克斯坦是上海合作组织轮值主席国,今年该组织峰会将在塔什干举行。

8.In July, suicide bombers set off explosives outside the U. S. and Israep embassies in the Uzbek capital, Tashkent.今年7月,自杀炸弹爆炸分子分别在美国和以色列驻乌兹别克斯坦首都塔什干的大使馆外面引爆了炸药。

9.Prior to the talks, Wu presented a flower basket at the Monument of Independence and Humanism in the center of Tashkent.会谈前,吴邦国向位于塔什干市中心的独立与人道主义纪念碑敬献花篮。

10.In Tashkent officials say the chaos only underscores the need for a strongman rule.塔什干的官员说混乱更加强调了需要强有力的统治。