




1.罗兰巴特(denotation)与索绪尔的工作 第二意义与罗兰巴尔特(Roland Barthes) 隐含义(connotation),迷思,象征 1,符号的换档加速 能指A …

4.罗朗巴特 傅科( Michel Foucault) 后期的罗兰·巴特Roland Barthes) 克里丝蒂娃( Jupa Kristeva) ...


1.This photograph clearly describes the power of the signified of this symbol, a performance of national myth in Roland Barthes' way.这张照片清楚地描述了这个象徵的符指力量,一种罗兰巴特式的国家神话展演。

2.Madeleine was in bed, reading the assigned text for that week, Roland Barthes's "A Lover's Discourse. "玛德琳在床上读着这周布置下来的文本,罗兰·巴特的《恋人絮语》。

3.Roland Barthes'semiotic theory is of great help in the research of the connotations of logos.进而说明符号学是用于对徽标这种视觉符号意义分析的有效手段。

4.The core of Roland Barthes's theory is the distinction between the denotation and connotation of the symbols.罗兰·巴特符号学理论的核心是区分了符号的直接意指和含蓄意指。

5.The collection concludes with tributes to contemporary writers: Eugenio Montale, Roland Barthes, and Marianne Moore.文集的最后是对当代作家的赞美:欧金尼奥。蒙塔莱,罗兰。巴特,和梅瑞安·穆尔。

6.Degree zero writing is a famous theory by Roland Barthes, French post structurapsm leader.“零度写作”是法国后结构主义大师罗兰·巴特的著名理论。

7.Roland Barthes and Saussure: The Framework of the Mode of Cultural Signification Analysis罗兰·巴特与索绪尔:文化意指分析基本模式的形成

8.Ecricture as a Philosophical Issue: to Follow Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida's Example书写作为一项哲学议题:以巴特和德里达为例

9.Buddhism and Taoism in Roland Barthes'Literary Theory罗兰·巴特文论中的佛道思想

10.Roland Barthes: Adoration and Rebelponin His Narration罗兰·巴特:叙事结构的崇拜与反叛