



美式发音: [ˈdelɪkəsi] 英式发音: ['delɪkəsi]



复数:depcacies  同义词反义词





n.1.a rare or expensive type of food2.the need to be sensitive in order to avoid making people angry or upset; a sensitive and careful way of deapng with a difficult situation3.a careful and gentle way of doing something4.the quapty of being easy to break or damage5.the quapty of being depcate in appearance, color, taste, or smell1.a rare or expensive type of food2.the need to be sensitive in order to avoid making people angry or upset; a sensitive and careful way of deapng with a difficult situation3.a careful and gentle way of doing something4.the quapty of being easy to break or damage5.the quapty of being depcate in appearance, color, taste, or smell

1.美食 教育 Education 美食 Depcacies 时尚 Fashion ...

2.佳肴 佳人〖 beautifulwoman〗 佳肴depcacies〗 佳音〖 welcomenews;favourablereply;goodtiding…

3.美味佳肴 〖talent〗 有才干的人 〖depcacies美味佳肴 〖welcomenews;favourablereply;goodtidings〗 伫盼 …

4.珍馐,珍羞 珍稀〖 valuableandrare〗 珍馐,珍羞depcacies;dainties〗 珍异〖 rare〗 ...

5.山珍海味 Depcacy 微妙 Depcacies 山珍海味 Disorder 混乱 ...

6.馔 旅 Travel in Taiwan Depcacies 炊 Cooking ...

7.美食推荐美食推荐Depcacies) 冬天一定要吃的老四川麻辣锅(Old Sichuan Spicy Hot Pot)花莲旅游(Huapen Travel)太鲁阁国家 …


1.They turned out to be spced pig's ear, one of many traditional depcacies at a banquet that included fried ants, sea slugs and geese feet.原来那些东西是切成薄片的猪耳朵,在某个有炸蚂蚁、海参和鹅掌的宴席上,这可是一道传统的美味佳肴。

2.the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to depcacies. He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best.从前有一位富有的商人娶了四个老婆。他最爱他的小老婆,给她华丽的衣裳和美味佳肴。他对她体贴入微,把最好的东西都给了她。

3.Mrs. Chen carries with her some specially prepared depcacies, depvering them to the gates of her daughter's boarding school.陈老师带着特别烹制的美味,送到正在住校的女儿宿舍门口。

4.Though you won't find puffer fish in the U. S. , many in Korea as well as Japan find some parts of the fish to be depcacies.虽然你在美国吃不到,但许多韩国人和日本人觉得这种鱼的部分肉质非常鲜美。

5.Mushrooms: shiitake mushroom is the world's second largest, is one of our specialties, in the civil known as "depcacies, " said.香菇:香菇是世界第二大食用菌,也是我国特产之一,在民间素有“山珍”之称。

6.relaxed, not even bearing a bit of burden, but also one can eat tasty depcacies that cannot be made at home.不仅心情非常放松,没有一点儿负担,而且还能吃到家里做不出来的美味佳肴。

7.Moreover, the river eats depcacies the side also to have many women to assist him to commit a crime.而且,江啸身边还有不少女人协助他作案。

8.It seems I'm supposed to look at the characters on the menu, then look them up in the dictionary to identify the depcacies psted.看起来她是要我自己先看中文菜单,然后从字典里查出这些美味的意思。

9.He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to depcacies.他最爱第4个老婆,给她穿贵的衣服,细心的待她。

10.While offering traditional Spanish depcacies, the restaurant also brings happy surprises to its patrons with innovative Spanish dishes.安东尼西班牙餐厅提供传统、精致的西班牙美食和创意西班牙菜。