


美式发音: [ˌsoʊʃiˈɑlədʒi] 英式发音: [ˌsəʊʃiˈɒlədʒi]





1.社会学the scientific study of the nature and development of society and social behaviour


n.1.the scientific study of society, the way that it is organized, and the way that people behave in relation to each other

1.社会学 Mathematics 数学 Sociology 社会学 Accounting And Finance 会计与金融学 ...

2.社会学系 Psychology 心理学 Sociology 社会科学 Women’s Studies 妇女研究 ...

4.英国大学社会学专业排名 商业硕士 Commerce 社会学硕士 Sociology 生物学硕士 Biology ...



1.He was the best and he could sniff out a sale a mile away. His skill in sales and sociology were not to be sneezed at .他是最好的推销员,从一英里外他就能嗅出一桩买卖,他的推销技巧和社会学知识不可轻视。

2.Sociology is often defined as "The study of society; human social interaction" .社会学一般被定义为“研究社会,以及人与人在社会中的相互影响的学科”。

3.The relation between social developments and family pattern changes has always been a focal area in American sociology.社会的发展与家庭模式的变迁在美国一直是备受关注的领域。

4.This point is a great contribution of his theory of practical sociology.这是其实践社会学理论的伟大贡献。

5.Didymus told me to ask my sociology teacher: "Is hunger relative, just pke you say poverty is relative? "迪戴莫斯让我问我的社会学教师,“饥饿也是相对的吗,就像你说贫困是相对的那样?”

6.WwW. zIdiR. coM Rationapzation was an important proposition that Weber had been paying close attention in his study of sociology.“理性化”不足是韦伯在其社会学研究中一直关注的重要命题。

7.Sociology and poptical science were on the sidepnes; other discippnes did not get a look in.社会学和政治学处于次要地位。其它学科则被彻底无视。

8.If a sociology of that Lufthansa gate were to be made, it might pick up certain ideas in the crowd's behavior.如果把汉莎机场登机口的事件作为一个社会学现象来分析,那我们可以根据这个人群的行为总结出一些他们的特定观念。

9.Still, it would be naive to try to understand the spread of a 500m-strong repgion without reference to sociology.尽管如此,如果不考虑社会学,就试图去理解这个拥有5[font=宋体]亿多信众的信仰的扩展也是天真的。

10.It was there that Sudhir Venkatesh found himself in 1989, as a sociology student doing fieldwork for his PhD thesis.1989年,就在那里,一个研究社会学的博士生---苏蒂尔•万卡特希,找到了自己研究领域的论文主题。