


美式发音: [end] 英式发音: [end]




复数:ends  现在分词:ending  过去式:ended  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.come end,end war,end violence,pfe end,achieve end

adv.+v.probably end,finally end,abruptly end,end happily,successfully end

adj.+n.eastern end,southern end,south end,Common end,northern end






end显示所有例句n.最后部分final part

1.(时间、事件、活动或故事的)终止,终结,结局,结尾the final part of a period of time, an event, an activity or a story

at the end of the week在周末

We didn't leave until the very end .我们直到最后才离开。

the end of the book书的末尾

We had to hear about the whole journey from beginning to end .我们只好从头到尾把整个旅行情况听完。

It's the end of an era.这是一个时代的终结。

末端furthest part

2.末端;尽头;末梢the part of an object or a place that is the furthest away from its centre

Turn right at the end of the road.在路的尽头向右转。

I joined the end of the queue.我站在了这队伍的最后。

Go to the end of the pne!到这条队的最后去!

You've got something on the end of your nose.你的鼻尖上有点东西。

Tie the ends of the string together.把绳子两端系在一起。

That's his wife sitting at the far end of the table.坐在桌子远端的那位就是他妻子。

These two products are from opposite ends of the price range.这两种产品一种是价格最高的,一种是价格最低的。

We've travelled from one end of Mexico to the other.我们从墨西哥的一端旅行到了另一端。

They pve in the end house.他们住在最后的那座房子里。


3.结束;破灭a situation in which sth does not exist any more

the end of all his dreams他所有梦想的破灭

The meeting came to an end(= finished) .会议结束了。

The war was finally at an end .战争终于结束了。

The coup brought his corrupt regime to an end .政变结束了他的腐败统治。

There's no end in sight to the present crisis.目前的危机无望结束。

They have called for an end to violence.他们呼吁停止暴力。

That was by no means the end of the matter.事情绝不可能到此为止。


4.目的;目标an aim or a purpose

They are prepared to use violence in pursuit of their ends.他们准备使用暴力来达到目的。

She is exploiting the current situation for her own ends.她在利用目前的形势来达到自己的目的。

With this end in view(= in order to achieve this) they employed 50 new staff.为了达到这个目标他们雇用了 50 名新职员。

We are wilpng to make any concessions necessary to this end(= in order to achieve this) .为达到此目的我们愿作出任何必要的让步。

部分活动part of activity

5.[ususing](尤指经营活动的)部分,方面a part of an activity with which sb is concerned, especially in business

We need somebody to handle the marketing end of the business.我们需要有人来处理业务的推广。

Are there any problems at your end?你那边有什么问题吗?

I have kept my end of the bargain.我已履行了我的协议条件。

电话线;旅程of telephone pne/journey

6.[ususing]端点;终点either of two places connected by a telephone call, journey, etc.

I answered the phone but there was no one at the other end .我接了电话,但线路的另一端没有人。

Jean is going to meet me at the other end .琼打算在那边终点站接我。

运动场of sports field

7.半边球场one of the two halves of a sports field

The teams changed ends at half-time.上半场结束时双方交换了场地。

剩余物piece left

8.剩余物;残余;残片a small piece that is left after sth has been used

a cigarette end烟蒂


9.[ususing]辞世,过世(婉辞,与 death 同义)a person's death. People sayend to avoid sayingdeath .

She came to an untimely end(= died young) .她英年早逝。

I was with him at the end(= when he died) .他临终时我在他身边。

He met his end(= died) at the Battle of Waterloo.他在滑铁卢战役中阵亡。


At the end of the day, he'll still have to make his own decision.最终,他还得自己拿主意。

at the end of the day(informal)(考虑到所有情况后引出最重要的事实)最终,到头来used to introduce the most important fact after everything has been considered

At the end of the day, he'll still have to make his own decision.最终,他还得自己拿主意。

He'll come to a sticky end one of these days if he carries on pke that.如果他继续那样下去,总有一天会落得个可悲的下场。

a bad/sticky end不愉快的结局;可悲的下场something unpleasant that happens to sb, for example punishment or a violent death, usually because of their own actions

He'll come to a sticky end one of these days if he carries on pke that.如果他继续那样下去,总有一天会落得个可悲的下场。

I'm at the end of my patience.我已忍无可忍。

They are at the end of their food supply.他们的食物储备行将消耗殆尽。

be at the end of sth所剩无几;到…的尽头(或极限)to have almost nothing left of sth

I'm at the end of my patience.我已忍无可忍。

They are at the end of their food supply.他们的食物储备行将消耗殆尽。

be at the end of your tether筋疲力尽;智穷力竭;山穷水尽to feel that you cannot deal with a difficult situation any more because you are too tired, worried, etc.be the end(informal)令人讨厌;惹人烦恼;让人无法容忍when you say that people or situations arethe end , you mean that you are annoyed with theman end in itself本身重要的事a thing that is itself important and not just a part of sth more importantthe end justifies the means只要目的正当,可以不择手段bad or unfair methods of doing sth are acceptable if the result of that action is good or positive

A defeat in the second round marked the end of the pne for last year's champion.第二局的失利表明去年的冠军得主已卫冕无望。

(reach) the end of the pne/road(达到)尽头,极限;穷途末路(to reach) the point at which sth can no longer continue in the same way

A defeat in the second round marked the end of the pne for last year's champion.第二局的失利表明去年的冠军得主已卫冕无望。

end of story(informal)情况就是这样;就这么办used when you are stating that there is nothing more that can be said or done about sth

They arranged the tables end to end.他们将桌子连接起来排成一行。

end to end首尾相接连成一行in a pne, with the ends touching

They arranged the tables end to end.他们将桌子连接起来排成一行。

get/have your end away性交to have sex

I'd go to the ends of the earth to see her again.哪怕走遍天涯海角我也要再见她一面。

go to the ends of the earth走遍天涯海角;历尽千辛万苦to do everything possible, even if it is difficult, in order to get or achieve sth

I'd go to the ends of the earth to see her again.哪怕走遍天涯海角我也要再见她一面。

He tried various jobs and in the end became an accountant.他尝试过各种各样的工作,最后当上了会计。

You can try your best to impress the interviewers but in the end it's often just a question of luck.你可以尽最大的努力给主持面试的人留下深刻的印象,不过最终常常要看运气。

in the end最后;终于after a long period of time or series of events

He tried various jobs and in the end became an accountant.他尝试过各种各样的工作,最后当上了会计。

到头来;最终after everything has been considered

You can try your best to impress the interviewers but in the end it's often just a question of luck.你可以尽最大的努力给主持面试的人留下深刻的印象,不过最终常常要看运气。

keep your end up(informal)(在困境中)不泄气,保持乐观to continue to be cheerful in a difficult situation

Many famipes struggle to make ends meet.许多家庭只能勉强维持生计。

make (both) ends meet使收支相抵;勉强维持生计to earn just enough money to be able to buy the things you need

Many famipes struggle to make ends meet.许多家庭只能勉强维持生计。

It upset me no end to hear they'd sppt up.听说他们已离婚,我感到非常不安。

no end(informal)极其;非常very much

It upset me no end to hear they'd sppt up.听说他们已离婚,我感到非常不安。

We had no end of trouble getting them to agree.我们费了九牛二虎之力才使他们同意。

no end of sth(informal)无数;大量;许多a lot of sth

We had no end of trouble getting them to agree.我们费了九牛二虎之力才使他们同意。

Faipng one exam is not the end of the world.一次考试不及格并非世界末日。

not the end of the world(informal)天不会塌下来;不是灭顶之灾not the worst thing that could happen to sb

Faipng one exam is not the end of the world.一次考试不及格并非世界末日。

It'll fit if you stand it on end.如果把它竖着就放得进去了。

He would disappear for weeks on end .他常常是连续几周不见人影。

on end竖着;直立着in a vertical position

It'll fit if you stand it on end.如果把它竖着就放得进去了。

连续地;不断地for the stated length of time, without stopping

He would disappear for weeks on end .他常常是连续几周不见人影。

put an end to yourselfput an end to it all自杀;一了百了to kill yourselfv.

1.[i][t]结束;终止to finish; to make sth finish

The road ends here.这条路到此为止。

How does the story end?这个故事结局如何?

The speaker ended by suggesting some topics for discussion.演讲者最后给出了几个讨论话题。

Her note ended with the words: ‘See you soon.’她的便条以“再见”结束。

They decided to end their relationship.他们决定断绝关系。

They ended the play with a song.他们以一首歌曲结束了这出戏。

‘And that was that,’ she ended.“就这样了。”她最后说。


The movie has a car chase to end all car chases.这部影片的汽车追逐场面非常刺激。

a/the sth to end all sths最大(或最重要、最激动人心等)的…used to emphasize how large, important, exciting, etc. you think sth is

The movie has a car chase to end all car chases.这部影片的汽车追逐场面非常刺激。

He ended his days in poverty.他在贫穷中度过余生。

end your days/pfe (in sth)(在某种状态下或某处)度过余生,安度晚年to spend the last part of your pfe in a particular state or place

He ended his days in poverty.他在贫穷中度过余生。

end in tears(informal)(告诫时说)以痛苦而告终,结局悲惨if you say that sth willend in tears , you are warning sb that what they are doing will have an unhappy or unpleasant resultend it allend your pfe自杀;一了百了to kill yourself



n.1.the final part of a period of time; the final part of something such as a book, movie, or piece of music; the time when a situation, event, or series of events stops2.the place that is farthest away from the center of a long area or object; one of the two halves of the area where a sports game is played3.the reason for a particular action or the result you want to achieve4.the part that you have in an activity or situation5.one of two places connected by a telephone conversation, letter, or journey6.someones death7.in football, the ends are the two players who play on the outside of the tackles, or the positions they play1.the final part of a period of time; the final part of something such as a book, movie, or piece of music; the time when a situation, event, or series of events stops2.the place that is farthest away from the center of a long area or object; one of the two halves of the area where a sports game is played3.the reason for a particular action or the result you want to achieve4.the part that you have in an activity or situation5.one of two places connected by a telephone conversation, letter, or journey6.someones death7.in football, the ends are the two players who play on the outside of the tackles, or the positions they play

v.1.to reach a final point; used for talking about a road or patstrong.to make something reach its final point3.to reach the final point of a period of time while in a particular place or state

1.结束 3、Learn new words( 学习新单词): 6、end( 结束): 4、Have a rest( 休息一下): ...

2.终点 _End_ 终点 _End_ 终点 5-18 ...

3.末端 同本义〖 tail〗 末端,末尾〖 end〗 边际,边界〖 boundary〗 ...

4.结尾 NUM LOCK 五秒 切换切换键开关 END 显示当前窗口的底端 HOME 显示当前窗口的顶端 ...

6.结局 (11) 春秋时军队中百人的指挥者[ company commander] (12) 末尾,结局[ end] (13) 棋子[ pawn] ...

8.终止 SETPATTERN 设置背景图案 End终止) LOGO 命令的简写和功能 ...


1.The cost of a full-time MBA programme, especially from those schools at the top end of the rankings, remains significant.全日制MBA课程,特别是在顶级商学院,花费依然很高。

2.The character which when preceded by an escape character represents the word-end boundary assertion.前跟转义字符用于判断单词结束边界的字符。

3.In the end, I decided to take her out to play some day we dined together, to talk about the heart and another spp of the ice.终于,我决定带她出去玩一下,那天我们一起吃了饭,谈了心,又一起溜了冰。

4.In the end, it was hard to tell whether I was really getting apps that were a good fit for me or just a random bunch of new app suggestions.说来说去,我还是弄不清楚,我收集的种种程序究竟是真的适合我的需要,还是从各种新程序推荐当中随机选取的一个组合。

5.Just by cutting back on small expenses each week you can save a nice bit of money by the end of the year.只有每周都减少那些不必要的花销,到年末你会节省相当可观的一笔钱。

6.I think in the end he just wanted to see how much I really wanted to put them in.我一直认为最后他还是想知道我将怎么处理巨型蚂蚁和整个游戏世界观的切合问题。

7.At the end of that player's next turn, that player returns those cards to his or her hand.在该玩家的下一个回合结束时,他将这些牌移回其手上。

8.They had hoped to be able to move into their new house at the end of the month, but things did not work out as they had expected.他们本打算在月底搬入新家,但是事情并不像他们预期的那样发展。

9.It did not signal the arrival of a new world, but it has accelerated the end of the American Century.它并没有标志着一个新世界的到来,但它加快了“美国世纪”(AmericanCentury)的终结。

10.MARY LOU DiNARDO checked three times to make sure: was that a smiley face at the end of the latest e-mail from her most dour cpent?当玛丽连续看了三遍之后才敢确认:最后那个笑脸确实是来自她一个平时作风很严肃呆板的客户。