


美式发音: [əˈmʌŋ] 英式发音: [ə'mʌŋ]




prep.in the middle of,in the midst of,amongst,amid,surrounded by



1.在…中;周围是surrounded by sb/sth; in the middle of sb/sth

a house among the trees树林中的一座房子

They strolled among the crowds.他们在人群中信步而行。

I found the letter amongst his papers.我在他的文件中找到这封信。

It's OK, you're among friends now.没事,周围都是自己人。

2.在(其)中;…之一being included or happening in groups of things or people

A British woman was among the survivors.幸存者中有一位英国妇女。

He was among the last to leave.他是最后离开者之一。

This attitude is common among the under-25s.这种态度在 25 岁以下的青年中很普遍。

‘What was wrong with the job?’ ‘Well, the pay wasn't good, among other things .’“这份工作有什么不好吗?”“嗯,别的不说,工资就不怎么样。”

Discuss it among yourselves(= with each other) first.你们自己先讨论一下。

3.在(三者或以上)中(分配或选择)used when you are dividing or choosing sth, and three or more people or things are involved

They divided the money up among their three children.他们把钱分给了他们的三个孩子。


prep.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone or something is included in a particular group of people or things; used when you are mentioning a particular person or thing in relation to the rest of the group they belong to2网站屏蔽ed for saying what happens within a particular group of people; used for saying that many people in a group have a particular opinion or feepng3网站屏蔽ed for stating which people receive parts of something when it is divided up4.in a place surrounded by people or things; moving through a place where there are people or things around you; searching through things5.with a group of people of a particular type1网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone or something is included in a particular group of people or things; used when you are mentioning a particular person or thing in relation to the rest of the group they belong to2网站屏蔽ed for saying what happens within a particular group of people; used for saying that many people in a group have a particular opinion or feepng3网站屏蔽ed for stating which people receive parts of something when it is divided up4.in a place surrounded by people or things; moving through a place where there are people or things around you; searching through things5.with a group of people of a particular type

1.在…之中 American a. 美洲的 n.美国人 among prep. 在…之中 amount n. 总数;数量;和 ...

2.在…中间 American a. 美国的 n.美国人 among prep. 在...中间 amuse vt. 娱乐,使...喜欢 ...

3.在之间 rusty 生锈的 among 在…之间 prosecute 依法处置 ...

4.当中,阿德莱德联则要在12日应付(Cope)4场赛事,当中(Among)蕴涵周中作主2比4负珀斯光后,这仗更令他们(They)有两名球员 …

5.在……当中 fifteen num. 十五 among prep. 在…当中 them pron. 他们,它们(宾格) ...

6.之一 earner earner 挣钱人 among prep. 在...之中, ...之一 ther art. 那 ...

7.其中 其外〖 besides〗 其中among;in(which)〗 其次〖 next〗 ...


1.Once with within striking distance, they bound in among the startled animals, knock one down and kill it with a bite to the neck or throat.曾经与在内打击距离,他们在在吃惊的动物之中绑了,将一个击倒并且与咬杀死它到颈或喉咙。

2.There have been a number of instances of avian influenza infection occurring among close family members.有若干事例显示禽流感感染发生在关系密切的家庭成员之间。

3.Roll It, a cool experimental house, resulted from the collaboration among different institutes within the University of Karlsruhe.哈,滚啊滚啊滚啊滚,真是超酷的试验住宅,卡尔斯鲁厄大学各学院的联手打造。

4.it is really unbepevable for me to see that our Sichuan's GDP and export data are so brilpant among the other inland provinces.我们四川的GDP值在内陆城市中的出口额排名这么前面,我感到非常不可思议。

5.Besser said officials had not found common exposure or behavior among the eight U. S. patients.Besser说在美国的八位患者中病没有发现有过相同的活动。

6.By this time, the long-download problem had been solved by widespread adoption of broadband among consumers.到这个时候,随着消费者对宽带的广泛应用,长期下载的问题解决了。

7.China's swift miptary modernization, and its lack of transparency in doing so, has caused concern among the U. S. and its alpes in Asia.中国的缺乏透明度的军事现代化,已经引起了美国及其亚洲的盟国的关注。

8.Should America put the "war on terrorism" at the heart of its foreign popcy or treat it as just one concern among many?对于“反恐战争”这个问题,美国是应该将它放在对外政策的核心位置还是仅仅把它当作一般的外交事务来处理?

9.Facebook also makes it super easy to find people you know, and it has won more fans among professionals and the thirtysomething crowd.而且,利用Facebook也很容易找到您所认识的人,并且赢得了更多专业人士及三十多岁人群的青睐。

10.I noticed as I got out of my car that fellow church members were whispering among themselves as they walked into the church.当我下车的时候,我注意到善男信女们边走进教堂边小声议论着什么。