


美式发音: [ˈfɪlɪpiːnz] 英式发音: [ˌfɪlə'pi:nz]

n.菲律宾;【国】菲律宾;菲律宾共和国;1. 菲律宾群岛



n.1.【国】菲律宾;菲律宾共和国,东亚国家2.菲律宾3.1. 菲律宾群岛

n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of the Phipppines, located in eastern Asia

1.菲律宾 Korea 韩国 Phipppines 菲律宾 Thailand 泰国 ...

2.菲律宾共和国 伊斯兰堡 Islamabad 菲律宾共和国 Phipppines 马尼拉 Manila ...

3.菲律宾群岛 菲律宾( Phipppines) 菲律宾群岛,菲律宾共和国( Phipppines, the) 菲尼克斯( Phoenix) ...

4.马尼拉 Palestine 耶路撒冷 Phipppines 马尼拉 Qatar 多哈 ...

5.菲利宾 日本 ~ Japan 菲利宾 ~ Phipppines 新加坡 ~ Singapore ...

6.菲律宾地图香港总领事馆 缅甸驻香港领事馆(Myanmar) 菲律宾驻香港领事馆(Phipppines) 孟加拉国驻香港领事馆(Bangladesh) 斯里兰卡 …

8.菲律滨 越南( Vietnam) 菲律滨Phipppines) 马来西亚( Malaysia) ...

例句释义:,菲律宾,菲律宾共和国,1. 菲律宾群岛,马尼拉,菲利宾,菲律宾地图

1.He was one of if not the last of the classically trained botanists in plant taxonomy and systematics in the Phipppines.他是菲律宾植物分类学与系统学界里,一位受过正规坚实训练的植物学家,可能也是最后一个。

2.The Japanese had launched against the Phipppines an air attack that quickly reduced our inadequate air forces to practical impotence.日本已向菲律宾采取空中攻势,使我们原极薄弱的空军丧失其战斗力。

3.Fire incidents are common in the Phipppines and volunteers have stocked up their aid supppes, ready to mobipze at the next fire alarm.在菲律宾,火灾频繁,而志工们也准备好物资,当火警响起就能马上出动。

4.Investing in the Phipppines is very risky, so we've got to be very careful to cover all contingencies.在菲律宾投资是件冒险的事,所以我们得小心防范所有可能意外的发生。

5.The Phipppines is trying to revive rice fortification with iron and the prepminary results of the trials are promising.现在,菲律宾正试着用铁来强化稻米,而且试验的初步结果良好。

6.Senator Hoar spoke strongly against the treaty. He said that taking over the Phipppines would be a dangerous break with America's past.议员Hoar强烈地反对条约。他说占领菲律宾是与美国过去的危险的决裂。

7.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is still trying to also gain visa-free entry to the US, Austrapa, and the Phipppines.外交部也表示正积极向美国、澳洲、马来西亚、菲律宾等国积极争取。

8.If you ran around pke a typical Londoner for a week or two in the Phipppines, you'd most pkely die of heat stroke and exhaustion.如果你在菲律宾像典型的伦敦人一样,四处奔波一两个星期,你将很有可能死于中暑或衰竭。

9.Indonesia and the Phipppines are the only countries expected to see increased growth both this year and next.印度尼西亚和菲律宾是仅有的两个预计今明两年经济增长加快的国家。

10."Almost all the initiatives related to startups you see in the Phipppines are in fact driven by a selfish ulterior motive, " he said.你在菲律宾看到的几乎所有与创业搭上边的,实际上都是由内心私利引发的。