




1.弗雷eneral disease)、热带或气候性横痃、弗莱(Frei)病,与梅毒、淋病、软下疳一起称为四大性病。

4.肤瑞益 FRANCENA 法兰西娜 Frei 肤瑞益 Freshel 肤蕊 ...

5.芙爱 WELEDA 维蕾德 frei 芙爱 seba 施巴 ...

6.弗赖 fabe 菲比儿童防护用品 frei 肤乐美 妊娠纹护理 herbacin 赫本清小柑橘 ...


1.The game and its cultural and poptical contexts have been beautifully chronicled by Terry Frei in his book Horns, Hogs, and Nixon Coming.特里.弗雷的《牛角队、野猪队、尼克松到场》对这场比赛及其文化和政治背景做了精彩的记录。

2.As a former president, Mr Frei was vulnerable to a charge of representing the past, whereas Mr PINERA promised "change, future and hope" .作为以前的总统,弗雷对那些对于表征过去的指控是很敏感的。而皮涅拉却打出了“变革,未来和希望”的口号。

3.Frei said the Chilean people hold profound feepngs towards the Chinese people.弗雷说,智利人民对中国人民怀有深厚的感情。

4.MATT FREI: Bows and arrows within easy shot of the President. Unusual, perhaps, in these jittery times.MATTFREI:布什总统现在危机重重,在这个敏感时期出访也许是极不寻常的。

5.Designed by Frei Otto, the main stadium and indoor arenas were given revolutionary fabric roof coverage Inspired by spy webs.弗雷•奥托由蜘蛛网激发出灵感,设计了这个主场馆,其屋顶是一个史无前例的创新性结构。

6.For his part, Wu expressed his appreciation of Frei's efforts for years in promoting Sino-Chile relationship.吴邦国对弗雷参议长长期致力于推动中智关系的发展表示赞赏。

7.The Christian Democrats may run their own candidate, probably Eduardo Frei, another former president.基督教民主党也可能派出自己的候选人,可能是另一位前总统爱德华多•弗雷。

8.Swiss media branded Frei a llama as the South American animal is known for spitting.瑞士媒体赠与弗雷美洲驼的称呼,因为这种动物以常吐口水著称。

9.Their leading striker A Frei was booed off the pitch after a penalty miss.领导前锋阿弗雷嘘声刑罚过了错过了球场。

10.Professor Balz Frei is one of the world's leading experts on Vitamin C.鲍尔兹·费尔教授是世界上研究维生素C最杰出的专家之一。