


美式发音: [bæm] 英式发音: [bæm]



网络释义:业务活动监视(Business activity monitoring);联想记忆;业务活动监控




1.(表示突然的重击声或枪声)嘭,砰used to represent the sound of a sudden loud hit or a gun being fired

She pointed the gun at him and─bam!她把枪对着他,然后 — 砰!。

2.(表示突然)蓦地used to show that sth happens very suddenly

I saw him yesterday and─bam!─I reapzed I was still in love with him.我昨天见到他,突然间,我意识到我还爱着他。


v.1.to make a loud hammering or thudding noise

n.1.a loud thudding or hammering noise

int.1网站屏蔽ed to indicate sudden impact, the result of such impact, or the sudden occurrence of an event of great significance

1.业务活动监视(Business activity monitoring)使用业务活动监视 (BAM),业务用户可以实时查看关键业务绩效指标,这使他们可以更有效地工作。业务用户可以使用此信息 …

2.联想记忆将双向联想记忆(BAM)神经网络模型用于推理是人工智能领域中进行推理机设计的一种途径。该文分析了BAM网络用于推理, …

3.业务活动监控使用业务活动监控 (BAM) 信息工作人员可以对业务进程一目了然,并与合作伙伴直接交流。这样对确保这些服务的安全提出了 …

4.布鲁克林音乐学院(Brooklyn Academy of Music)黄昏下起大雨,在地铁中奔跑吧……那Q线直奔布鲁克林BAMBrooklyn Academy of Music)仅需30分钟(从59街Garnegie H…


1.Ever since the earthquake of December 2003, Bam in Southern Iran is nothing but rubble and ruin.自从2003年的地震后,在伊朗南方的巴姆镇只留下了碎石和废墟。

2.When your mother and I were trying to conceive you, whenever she was ovulating, bam, we did it. That's how I got my bad hip.当年你妈妈在怀你的时候,只要她在排卵,我们就“做”,那也解释了我的臀部有些问题。

3.First of all, I invited her to ride Bam Bam Car and felt shamed to find her driving skill is much better than I .首先,我邀请她坐“碰碰车”,却很羞愧地发现她的驾驶技术要比我好得多。

4."It feels so good. I'm totally overwhelmed with joy and sparkles and fireworks and everything which goes pke bam , bam , bam , " she said.她说:“这种感觉真是太好了。到处都是闪光和焰火,简直让我欣喜若狂了。”

5.BAM mobile is inspired by the idea that you can be anywhere and still be informed on your business performance.移动BAM是受到了您可以身在任何位置同时仍然了解业务性能的思想所启发。

6.Seven a. m. , my head's already in a spin, as soon as I'm out that door. . . bam ! Hits me pke a ton of those red bricks.上午七点,我的脑袋早已一片混乱,很快我出了那扇门…砰!周遭事物好像是一堆红砖砸到我。

7.You never know, you could be just relaxing in your den on a lazy Sunday afternoon, reading the paper, when suddenly BAM!你永远也无法预料,也许就在慵懒的周日下午,你在巢穴里放松看报纸的时候,突然!砰!

8.There was a period of time when my wife, her name is Tammie, and I, we just got real busy and whip, bam, boom: Kendall and Jay.有那么一段时期,我妻子塔蜜和我,我们实在是忙得不可开交,用来照顾肯德尔和杰伊。

9.See if you can stop it from happening, even though you know 100 percent it's true that -- bam!请看你能否从一开始停止你的想法,即使你百分百确定这是真的。

10.All the scientists have to do is shine a quick UV pght on the animal and bam, they get a quick yes or no.科学家们只需用紫外光在实验动物身上快速一扫,结果就一目了然了。