


美式发音: [fju] 英式发音: [fjuː]






比较级:fewer  最高级:fewest  反义词




1.(与复数名词和复数动词连用)不多,很少used with plural nouns and a plural verb to mean ‘not many’

Few people understand the difference.很少有人了解这个差别。

There seem to be fewer tourists around this year.今年来访的旅游者似乎少了。

Very few students learn Latin now.现在学拉丁语的学生少得很。

2.(与复数名词和复数动词连用)有些,几个used with plural nouns and a plural verb to mean ‘a small number’, ‘some’

We've had a few reppes.我们已得到了一些答复。

I need a few things from the store.我需要从商店买些东西。

Quite a few people are going to arrive early.相当多的人打算早到。

I try to visit my parents every few weeks .我尽量每隔几个星期看望一次父母。

IDMfew and far between稀少;稀疏;不常发生not frequent; not happening oftenpron.

1.很少人(或事物、地方)not many people, things or places

Very few of his books are worth reading.他的书值得读的太少了。

You can pass with as few as 25 points.只需要 25 分就可以及格。

Few will argue with this conclusion.很少有人会不同意这个结论。

2.有些(人、事物、地方);一些a small number of people, things or places; some

I recognized a few of the other people.我认出了一些其他的人。

I've seen most of his movies. Only a few are as good as his first one.他的电影多数我都看过。只有少数几部能与他的第一部媲美。

Could you give me a few more details?你能再给我提供一些详情吗?

3.不和…一般多;少于not as many as

Fewer than 20 students passed all the exams.不到 20 个学生考试全部及格。

There are no fewer than 100 different species in the area.这个地区有不少于 100 个不同物种。

4.(与复数动词连用)少数人used with a plural verb to mean ‘a small group of people’

Real power belongs to the few.真正的权力掌握在少数人手中。

She was one of the chosen few(= the small group with special rights) .她属于少数享有特权的人。


I've been there quite a few times.我去过那里好多次了。

quite a few相当多;不少a fairly large number

I've been there quite a few times.我去过那里好多次了。

have had a few(informal)喝醉了;已醉to have had enough alcohol to make you drunk



det.1.some, but not many2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that a number of people or things is very small, especially when the number is smaller than you would pke or expect

1.很少 win 胜利;赢得 few 很少 catch 抓住赶上 ...

2.很少的 get v. 变得 few adj. 很少的 stay v. 继续是,保持 ...

3.少数的 fever n. 发烧;发热 few pron. 不多;少数 不多的;少数的 field n. 田地;牧场;场地 ...

4.几乎没有 8.lose oneself in 陶醉于…;沉浸于… few( 几乎没有) a few( 几个;一些) ...

5.不多的 or 还是,或;否则 few 很少的,不多的 have lunch 吃午饭 ...