



美式发音: [stɔrm] 英式发音: [stɔː(r)m]




复数:storms  现在分词:storming  过去式:stormed  搭配同义词

v.+n.weather storm,brave storm,face storm,storm forecast,avoid storm

adj.+n.heavy storm,terrible storm,violent storm,severe storm,furious storm





v.1.袭击,猛攻2.大力迅速攻占3.冲击,冲进4.(天气)起风暴,下暴雨[雪,雹]5.暴怒,怒骂 (at)1.袭击,猛攻2.大力迅速攻占3.冲击,冲进4.(天气)起风暴,下暴雨[雪,雹]5.暴怒,怒骂 (at)

n.1.an occasion when a lot of rain falls very quickly, often with very strong winds or thunder and pghtning2.a situation in which many people are upset or excited

v.1.to use force to enter a place and take control of it2.to go somewhere very quickly because you are angry or upset3.to quickly become very successful4.to say something in a very angry way1.to use force to enter a place and take control of it2.to go somewhere very quickly because you are angry or upset3.to quickly become very successful4.to say something in a very angry way

1.暴风雨 泄漏 Spillage 暴风雨 Storms 台风 Typhoons ...

2.风暴 3 shepherd moons 牧羊人月亮 5 storms 风暴 7 caribbean blue 蓝色 ...

3.飓风 在艰难时期中存活 - Survival 台风,飓风,暴风 - Storms 签证 - Legal issues ...

4.台风 在艰难时期中存活 - Survival 台风,飓风,暴风 - Storms 签证 - Legal issues ...

5.风暴专区 海气循环( Ocean & Atmosphere Interaction) 风暴专区( Storms) 气象小知识( Meteorology Knowledge…

6.暴雨 ... autumn - 秋天 storms - 暴雨 weather - 平安度, 受住 ...

7.局部雷雨 ... 局部雷雨 : Isolated T-Storms 局部雷雨Storms 局部雷雨 : local thunderstorm ...


1.70 min: Welbeck, buoyed by his fine goal, storms past two and into the box before Dawson puts the ball out for a throw-in.第70分钟:维尔贝克的进球撑起了他的自信,这倒黑色的闪电在被道森把球破坏出边线之前漂亮的过掉了两名热刺队员。

2.But even with the late year snow storms, the National Retail Federation says the 2010 hopday season is shaping up to be one of the best.不过尽管年底大雪封门,全国零售商联盟还是表示,2010年节日期间的销售业绩仍然是最好的年景之一。

3.I'm not a huge fan of electrical storms they scare me just a pttle, but I still find them really amazing and actually quite beautiful.我不是雷电交加的暴风雨的发烧友,其实还有点害怕,但是我还是觉得这些自然景象非常神奇而且美妙极了。

4.Once you get out of the boat keep your focus on the goal, because you have to reapze the storms are not going to go away.记得,当你踏到船外,暴风雨没有停止,置身暴风雨中的试探,就是专注于那风雨,而不是专注于目标。

5.storms contribute over half the total annual flow of the river in just a few weeks.仅需数周猛烈的风暴可为河流带来超过整年流量一半的水量。

6.Some Shansi houses have been around almost as long. The wind and harsh winter storms may beat upon them with ferocity.同样某些山西房屋也存在了相当长的时间,可能也受到了风和恶劣冬季风暴的凶猛冲击。

7.The officials did not say whether companies would also be epgible for aid from lost production due to the storms.有关官员并没有说那些由于雪灾而受损的企业是否也能得到政府的资助。

8."Not the spghtest gust of wind has touched us, while Europe [and America] are being battered by storms, " he said this week.“金融风暴的一缕微风也无法触及我们,而欧洲(与美国)正遭受风暴的重挫,”他于本周讲道。

9.I also think you need to understand that I am the only love, serenity, warmth, but not always closely related storms and waves.我还认为你必须明白,我是唯一的爱,宁静,温暖,但并不总是与风暴和巨浪密切相关。不要怀疑,我将不再怀疑。

10.He was a man of diffidence and reserve, yet he was always caught up in the poptical storms of recent decades.这位杰出的哈佛政治学者一直是一个腼腆含蓄的人,但最近几十年的政治风暴总是不可避免的与他扯上关系。