




1.尖阁列岛尖阁列岛The Senkaku Islands),中国政府称之为钓鱼岛,自1895年以来属于日本管辖;几十年来,中国政府暂时搁置钓鱼 …


1.'The Senkaku islands are our unique territory. It 's our natural right to defend its sovereignty, ' he said .他说,尖阁列岛是只属于日本的领土,保护它的主权是我们的应有权力。

2.The US has pledged to defend the Senkaku islands as part of its treaty relations with Tokyo. It has troops stationed in South Korea.作为与日本条约关系的内容之一,美国承诺保卫尖阁列岛,美国在韩国也有驻军。

3.The highpoint came last September, when a confpct flared between China and Japan over the Senkaku islands, south of Okinawa.去年9月份中日两国发生了一次严重的冲突,主要是冲绳岛南部的尖阁列岛归属权之争。

4.After this, will Japan continue the presumption that it is in charge of what it calls the Senkaku islands?此事发生之后,日本还会继续意淫他们所谓的剑阁列岛是在他们控制之下吗?

5.And therefore, the Senkaku islands are an inherent part of Japanese territory and we will continue to do patrol activities in the area.因此,尖阁列岛是日本领土固有的部分,我们会继续在这片地区从事巡逻活动。

6.China and Japan have been disputing the sovereignty of the Senkaku Islands, called the Diaoyu Islands in China.中国和日本对尖阁群岛(Senkaku)——中国称为钓鱼岛——的主权一直有争议。

7.When the Okinawa islands were reverted to Japan on May 15, 1972, so were the Senkaku islands.当冲绳群岛于1972年5月15日移交给日本的时候,尖阁列岛也被移交。

8.There was the tiff over the Senkaku Islands, which irked Japan;为尖阁列岛(译注:我钓鱼岛)斗嘴,激怒了日本;