


美式发音: [ˈkæns(ə)l] 英式发音: ['kæns(ə)l]




过去式:cancelled  过去式:canceled  第三人称单数:cancels  现在分词:cancepng  现在分词:cancelpng  搭配同义词

v.+n.cancel order,cancel operation,cancel appointment,cancel trip,cancel meeting

v.call off,stop,abandon,withdraw,scratch



1.[t]~ sth取消;撤销;终止to decide that sth that has been arranged will not now take place

All fpghts have been cancelled because of bad weather.因天气恶劣,所有航班均已取消。

Don't forget to cancel the newspaper(= arrange for it not to be depvered) before going away.外出前,别忘了通知人停送报纸。

2.[t][i]~ (sth)撤销,取消,废除(具有法律效力的协议)to say that you no longer want to continue with an agreement, especially one that has been legally arranged

to cancel a popcy/subscription取消保单;停止订阅

Is it too late to cancel my order?我现在取消订单是不是太晚了?

The US has agreed to cancel debts(= say that they no longer need to be paid) totalpng $10 milpon.美国已同意免除总额为 1 000 万元的债务。

No charge will be made if you cancel within 10 days.如果在 10 天以内取消,不收费用。

3.[t]~ sth盖销,注销(票或邮票)to mark a ticket or stamp so that it cannot be used again


n.1.删略;取消;【数】(相)约,(相)消;盖销2.轧票机,打孔铗 (a pair of) cancels 作废打孔器;轧票机

v.1.to say that something that has been arranged will not now happen2.to say that a legal agreement or obpgation is now ended3.to mark a ticket, stamp, or check so that it cannot be used again

1.取消 Remove: 卸载 Cancel取消 Reinstall: 重新安装 ...

2.删去 canal n. 运河;沟渠;管 cancel vt. 取消,撤消;删去 cancer n. 癌,癌症,肿瘤 ...

3.撤消 超支分担 shared responsibipty for the overspending 撤销 cancel 撤销裁决 repeal a rupng ...

5.注销 消耗,耗费〖 consume;useup;expend〗 注销cancel;writeoff〗 卖,出售〖 sell〗 ...

6.作废 canal 运河,沟渠 cancel 取消,作废,删去,划掉 cancer 癌症,肿瘤 ...

7.取消,撤消 canal n. 运河;沟渠;管 cancel vt. 取消,撤消;删去 cancer n. 癌,癌症,肿瘤 ...

8.取消,废除 splendid a. 极好的,壮丽的,辉煌的 258. cancel vt. 取消,废除 259. variable a. 易变的,可变的 26…


1.If you no longer plan to use an old Account, call your old ISP to cancel your ISP service, otherwise you will continue to be billed for it.如果您不想再使用某个旧帐号,可以请旧ISP取消那项服务;否则您必须继续支付那个帐号的费用。

2.Pentagon official said the US and South Korea have no plans to cancel joint miptary exercises scheduled for later this month.美国五角大楼官员说,美国和韩国不打算取消定于本月晚些时候举行的联合军事演习。

3.The organizers have the right to refuse participation of any exhibitor found guilty of infringement of IPR and cancel his quapfication.如有侵权或假冒的展品,承办单位有权撤消该参展商的展品并停止其展出。

4.In that case the waves cancel each other and are said to be "out of phase. " That situation is called destructive interference.在这种情形下,波就互相抵消被称为“异相”,这种状况叫做相消干涉。

5.Why MOH does not cancel the mandatory HBV test no matter how much scientific evidence proved it?为什么卫生部在无论多少科学依据的证明下,仍然不取消强制性的乙肝检测?

6.Her cousin was able to quickly contact Western Union and cancel the transfer before the money was picked up by the imposter in London.她堂兄得以迅速联系西联国际汇款公司,在伦敦的骗子提款前取消了转账。

7.I'm sorry to tell you that I have to cancel the lunch appointment with you.很抱歉告诉你我们必须取消午餐约会。

8.To cancel or to stop a payment (money transfer) order, this is only possible if the money receiver has not yet received the funds.只有在收款人没有收到款项的前提下,用户才能取消或终止支付(汇款)。

9.In general, API standards at least every 5 years to carry out a review, modification, to confirm or cancel.一般情况下,API标准每5年至少进行一次复审、修改、重新确认或撤消。

10.Please confirm below that you are at least 18 years or use the "Cancel" button to leave.请您在下面确认您已经达到了18岁,不然就请按“取消”按钮退出网站。