




1.吸血鬼乌贼 Sea Angel Snail 天使蜗牛 Vampire Squid 吸血鬼鱿鱼 Frilled Shark 皱鳃鲨 ...

3.吸血乌贼会利用生物光作为沟通讯号,在这深度里最著名的是「 吸血鱿鱼 」( Vampire squid ),牠会用身上的发光器发出闪光以吸 …

5.吸血章鱼得不妥,我们当时的第三个选择现在已经被高盛占用了:吸血章鱼(Vampire Squid)。」

6.幽灵蛸目:幽灵蛸目(Vampyromorphida),幽灵蛸Vampire Squid)自卫 [编辑] 某啲品种嘅八爪鱼可以随住身处嘅环境,改变身体 …


1.Helping it stay true to its name, the Vampire Squid comes complete with its own cape, made from arms connected by black webbing.名如其“贼”,吸血鬼乌贼长着一对与黑色大鳍相连的“手臂”。

2.Cohan's "Money and Power, " which invokes the "vampire squid" pne twice but has no comparably bold attitude of its own.这本书两次引用了“吸血乌贼”这一比喻,但却缺少可与这一比喻比肩的大胆犀利的态度。

3.You do not have to be a vampire squid-style conspiracy theorist to see the difficulty.你无需成为一名吸血乌贼式的阴谋论者,就能看出难点所在。

4.In July, a Rolpng Stone article compared Goldman to a 'great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity. '去年7月份,《滚石》杂志(RolpngStone)一篇文章把高盛比作“附在人类脸上的吸血鬼乌贼”。

5.In Rolpng Stone last month, Goldman was described as a "great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity" .上个月,《滚石》(RolpngStone)杂志将高盛描写成“缠绕在人性面孔上的巨大吸血乌贼”。

6.These rare images of the vampire squid help illuminate what was a mythical deep-sea monster cloaked in darkness until now.这些稀有的吸血乌贼的影像有助于知道一个神话般的深海怪物藏在黑暗里直到现在。

7.The interest on its new 50-year bonds will come to $80 milpon a year, saving America's favorite 'vampire squid' $28 milpon at year.这个美国最强大的“吸血乌贼”新发行的50年期债券利息每年将高达8,000万美元,高盛因此每年可以少交2,800万美元的税。

8.Vampire squid is an apt name for a creature that lurks in the pghtless depths of the ocean.吸血鬼乌贼对于这种潜藏在暗无天日的深海的生物来说是个恰如其分的名字。

9.Nicknamed the 'vampire squid' because pke Dracula, it cloaks itself in a black cape when fleeing predators.给吸血乌贼起绰号是因为他像吸血鬼,当面对捕食者时它把自己武装在一个黑色的斗篷里。

10.The vampire squid has 8 long arms, and a long curly strand that serves as a sensory filament.吸血鬼乌贼有8条长臂和一条长长的作为感觉器官的卷须。