




1.黑人巨根 无套内射 Bareback 黑人巨根 Black-Men 父子情 祖孙恋 Cross-Generation ...


1.If the race that we belong to owes anything to any human being, or to any power in the universe, they owe it to these black men.如果说我们所属的种族对任何人、对宇宙间任何力量应该有所感激的话,应感激的就是黑人。

2.Witnesses said the rioters were predominantly young, black men, who coordinated their actions through mobile devices.目击者说,暴徒主要是年轻的黑人,他们通过手机协调行动。

3.One part of this constitution did not permit free black men to enter the state.在这部州宪法中有一部分规定不允许自由的黑人进入该州。

4.Extraordinary rates of incarceration for black men, and the long-term effects of a prison record on employment, exacerbate this situation.黑人男性坐牢的比例非常大,而在就业过程中他们这些案底又使情况更加恶化。

5.Flowing threateningly toward me over the crest of a hill was a wave of black men draped in weird mustard-colored clothing.一股披着怪里怪气的深黄色衣物的黑人人流正越过土丘的丘脑,威风凛凛地向我涌来。

6.Even black men who nominally commit to one woman are five times as pkely as their white counterparts to have others on the side.即使是名义上和一位女性确定关系的黑人男性,也比相应的白人男性私下幽会的几率大四倍。

7.Black men are less pkely to rape or to abuse children sexually than white men are.比起白人男子,黑人更少可能强奸或者性虐待儿童。

8.[apgn=left][color=#000000]One of the paramount goals of segregation was to keep black men away from white women.种族隔离一个极为重要的目的就是使男性黑人远离白人妇女。

9.As a group, black men have also fallen behind in education and income, just as black women have surged ahead.作为一个群体,黑人男性在受教育状况以及收入上相对于黑人女性来说,都相对落后。

10.Meanwhile, many blacks think the big problem is not racist prosecutors but the tragically large number of young black men who turn to crime.在此同时,很多黑人认为主要问题不在于种族主义的检察官,而在于太多年轻黑人令人焦虑地加入犯罪行列。