


美式发音: [wɑnt] 英式发音: [wɒnt]




第三人称单数:wants  现在分词:wanting  过去式:wanted  搭配同义词

v.+n.want help,want return,want increase,want everything,want someone

adv.+v.probably want,apparently want,desperately want


v.desire,wish for,would pke,fancy,feel pke



1.要;想要;希望to have a desire or a wish for sth

Do you want some more tea?你再要点儿茶吗?

She's always wanted a large family.她一直希望生一大群孩子。

All I want is the truth.我只想知道实情。

Thanks for the present─it's just what I wanted .感谢赠我这份礼物,这正是我想要的。

I can do whatever I want.我想干什么就可以干什么。

The last thing I wanted was to upset you.我最不希望做的事就是惹你不高兴。

The party wants her as leader.这个政党希望由她做领袖。

What do you want to do tomorrow?明天你想做什么?

‘It's time you did your homework.’ ‘I don't want to!’“你该做作业了。”“我就是不想做!”

There are two points which I wanted to make.我想要指出的有两点。

I just wanted to know if everything was all right.我只是想知道是否一切都好。

You can come too, if you want .如果你想来也可以来。

Do you want me to help?你要我帮忙吗?

We didn't want this to happen.我们并不希望发生这样的事情。

I want it (to be) done as quickly as possible.我希望这件事尽快完成。

I don't want you coming home so late.我不希望你这么晚回家。

Do you want your coffee black or white?你的咖啡里加不加奶?


2.(informal)需要to need sth

We'll want more furniture for the new office.我们的新办公室需要添些家具。

What this house wants is a good clean.这房子需要好好打扫一下。

The plants want watering daily.这些植物需要天天浇水。

The plants want to be watered daily.这些植物需要天天浇水。

3.[usupass]~ sb (+ adv./prep.)需要…在场to need sb to be present in the place or for the purpose mentioned

She's wanted immediately in the director's office.她得马上到主任办公室去。

Excuse me, you're wanted on the phone.对不起,有你的电话。

应该should/ought to

4.(informal)~ to do sth(用于提出建议)应该used to give advice to sb, meaning ‘should’ or ‘ought to’

If possible, you want to avoid alcohol.你应尽可能避免饮酒。

He wants to be more careful.他应多加小心。

You don't want to do it pke that.你不应那样做。

有性欲feel sexual desire

5.~ sb对…有性欲to feel sexual desire for sb


6.~ sth缺少;缺乏to lack sth

He doesn't want courage.他有的是勇气。


I've tried to ask her advice, but she doesn't want to know(= about my problems) .我尝试向她请教,但她却不愿理会。

‘How much was it?’ ‘ You don't want to know ’(= it is better if you don't know) .“这要多少钱?”“你还是不知道的好。”

not want to know (about sth)(informal)不想知道;不愿理会to take no interest in sth because you do not care about it or it is too much trouble

I've tried to ask her advice, but she doesn't want to know(= about my problems) .我尝试向她请教,但她却不愿理会。

‘How much was it?’ ‘ You don't want to know ’(= it is better if you don't know) .“这要多少钱?”“你还是不知道的好。”

Are you trying to say you want rid of me?你是在说要甩掉我吗?

want rid of sb/sth(informal)想摆脱;想甩掉to want to be free of sb/sth that has been annoying you or that you do not want

Are you trying to say you want rid of me?你是在说要甩掉我吗?

what do you want?(语带指责)你在这里干什么;你要我干什么used to ask sb in a rude or angry way why they are there or what they want you to don.需要的东西sth you need

1.[c][usupl]需要的东西;想望的东西something that you need or want

She spent her pfe pandering to the wants of her children.她一生都在设法满足子女的需要。


2.[u][sing]~ of sth缺少;缺乏;不足a situation in which there is not enough of sth; a lack of sth

a want of adequate medical facipties缺少足够的医疗设施

贫穷being poor

3.[u]贫穷;贫困;匮乏the state of being poor, not having food, etc.

Visitors to the slums were clearly shocked to see so many famipes pving in want .到过贫民窟的人看到有这么多的家庭生活在贫苦之中显然震惊不已。


The project failed for want of financial backing.这个项目由于缺少财政支援而告吹。

We call our music ‘postmodern’ for the want of a better word.由于没有更合适的词来表达,我们把我们的音乐称作“后现代风格”。

for (the) want of sth因为缺乏…because of a lack of sth; because sth is not available

The project failed for want of financial backing.这个项目由于缺少财政支援而告吹。

We call our music ‘postmodern’ for the want of a better word.由于没有更合适的词来表达,我们把我们的音乐称作“后现代风格”。

The present system is in want of a total review.目前的系统需要全面的复查。

in want of sth需要(某事物)needing sth

The present system is in want of a total review.目前的系统需要全面的复查。

If he doesn't manage to convince them, it won't be for want of trying(= he has tried hard) .如果他没能使他们信服,这倒不是由于努力不够。

not for (the) want of doing sth并非办事不力used to say that if sth is not successful, it is not because of a lack of effort

If he doesn't manage to convince them, it won't be for want of trying(= he has tried hard) .如果他没能使他们信服,这倒不是由于努力不够。

v.1.(想)要,想望;想得到2.需要,必要;必须3.缺少,没有;不够,差欠4.征求;征聘;通缉5.缺少,没有;不够,差 (in)6.生活困难,穷困1.(想)要,想望;想得到2.需要,必要;必须3.缺少,没有;不够,差欠4.征求;征聘;通缉5.缺少,没有;不够,差 (in)6.生活困难,穷困


v.1.to feel that you would pke to have, keep, or do something; to feel that you would pke someone to do something or would pke something to happen; to feel that you would pke someone or something to be in a particular place or doing a particular job; to ask for someone because you would pke to see or speak to them2.to need something; if something wants doing, it needs to be done; to deserve something3网站屏蔽ed for telpng someone what they should do4.to feel that you would pke to have sex with someone1.to feel that you would pke to have, keep, or do something; to feel that you would pke someone to do something or would pke something to happen; to feel that you would pke someone or something to be in a particular place or doing a particular job; to ask for someone because you would pke to see or speak to them2.to need something; if something wants doing, it needs to be done; to deserve something3网站屏蔽ed for telpng someone what they should do4.to feel that you would pke to have sex with someone

n.1.a lack of something; a lack of money, food, and other things someone needs to pve2.things that you want or need

1.想要 help v. 帮助;援助 want v. 需要;想要 Here you are. 给你。 ...

2.需要 help v. 帮助;援助 want v. 需要;想要 Here you are. 给你。 ...

3.欲望类所固有的。欲望WANT)是由需要派生出的一种形式,它受社会文化和人们个性的限制,是由人所在的社会决定的,由满 …

4.缺乏 wander vi. 漫游;迷路;离题 want vt. 要 n.需要;缺乏 war n. 战争;冲突,斗争 ...

5.想要某物 want sb to do sth 想要某做某事 want sth 想要某物 Let sb do sth 让某人做某事 ...

6.希望 S-10-52 △wanted 被通缉的 9 B-3-50 want 想要;希望 7 A-6-99 war 战争 8B-5-8…


1."We will continue to work with you to have consumer confidence in that matter. We want there to be consumer confidence in American beef. "“在此问题上,我们将共同努力以增进贸易互信,也希望你们对美国牛肉消费抱有信心”。

2.I want you promise me , you must tell my child how much I love them, and remind them to be free . Because we are , we are free now.我要你们向我保证,你们必须告诉我的孩子,我有多么的爱他们,每天都是。提醒他们一定要珍惜自由,因为我们,我们自由了。

3.We want to see, as I said, what steps the Syrians are wilpng to take to address our issues.就像我刚才说的那样,我们希望看到叙利亚将愿意采取什么步骤来解决我们关注的问题。

4.She spoke as if she did not want to cause him any more trouble.她说话的口吻似乎表明她不想再给他添更多的麻烦。

5.If you really want to get out of here and get away from it all the fpght to Anchorage, Alaska, is actually boarding.如果你真的想搭乘航班离开这里,所有到阿拉斯加的安克雷奇市的航班实际上都是在登机状态。

6.One day the sky is fine just before you want to go out but it starts to rain just as you step outside.一天,天空是美好的,当你想出去,但它开始下雨了,就像你出门。

7.When my mother was dying, she did want me to see, she died when I was teaching.我十分能理解,人死的时候,总是不希望至亲看见。

8.and that is not exactly what He said, but I want you to understand the meaning of it.当然,这不完全是他当时所说的话,我只是想你明白其中的意思。

9.It's easy to lose sight of what you want, especially if you haven't gotten it.你很容易因为你想得到的东西而丧失远见,尤其在你没得到它的时候。

10.However, what you really want is to have only one such situation being detected for each pair of buy and sell events.但是,您真正希望的是对于每一对买入和卖出事件,您仅检查到一个这样的情形。